part four

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-"what are you guys doing?" dariush asked, looking at us weirdly.

-"nothing!" gabriel and i said in unison. dariush obviously was suspicious, as to why i'm sitting on gabriel's lap.

-"okay y'all, lovebirds, i don't wanna see you two doing weird shit when i'm around." my face went red from his comment. gabriel coughed, obviously uncomfortable.

-" can get off his lap now. it's making me very uncomfortable." dariush whispered the last part. gabriel just shook his head and pursed his lips.

dari looked uncomfortable and pissed, he murmured an 'okayyy', grabbed my arm and pulled me off gabriel.

-"hey! wait! no don't!" gabriel was interrupted by dariush.

-"eww! you have a bon-" dariush was interrupted by the alien dog from outside.


it hit the glass window, not even ten seconds later it disappeared and alex and zhenzhen came banging on the door.

-"let us in!"

-"c'mon guys!"

-"no! go!"

-"he's out there!"

the door seemed to be sound proof as the only yells being heard was the ones we screamed. gabriel pointed to the alien that was sprinting towards them. they both ducked, making the dog hit the window again, and ran around the pod.

-"what are you doing?" dariush asked gabriel, who was messing around with the buttons.

-"we have to help them." he said trying to figure out how to open the door.

-"no, we'll all die!" dari yelled, tackling gabriel, to stop him. as they were fighting i looked out the window thingy and saw no one.

-"what'd you do!" dari yelled at gabriel.

-"he set the engine off, causing the back to produce fire." i kicked the door open.

-"wait skye!" they yelled concerned. alex came around from behind the capsule. the beast was whimpering from being burnt alive. dariush and gabriel climbed out of the capsule.

-"you're welcome." dariush said confidently, like he did everything.

-"shut up." i rolled my eyes. zhen came around from the other side and looked worried.

-"what's up?" i asked concerned. she pointed over in the direction of the bigger alien.

-"shit." i mumbled. someone shouted run and we all started sprinting away.

-"when do we get to the point, when we trip zhenzhen and keep running?!" dariush stupidly yelled. everyone was distracted by his stupid remark, that the beast caught up to us.

the alien had us all pinned down. the pressure of his alien hand was weighing down on me. i thought he was going to squish me to death or suffocate me.

his large tongue slithered out of his mouth and made its way to dari. his tongue went inside daris mouth making me gag and turn away.

out of nowhere an aircraft zooms over us shooting the alien as it goes by. the alien let's go of us and we all back away.

i stare at the alien, watching it go down. flash backs go through my mind. my brother. laying on the ground, surrounded by cops.

-"skye! c'mon!" gabriel grabs my hand. he looks at me confused, his eyes look like they can see right through me.

he turns and starts running, holding my hand as he does so. we make it back to the camp.

dariush is complaining about how we're all going to die.

-"it's tongue was in my mouth!" he complained, disgusted.

-"you don't know their anatomy." alex replied.

-"what do you mean?"

-"i mean, its plausible that sophisticated creatures, like alien males, have cranial genitalia."

-"it had its dick in my mouth!" dariush screeched.

gabriel and dariush started having an argument about how dariush never shuts up.

-"my mum would know what to do." alex announced.

-"yeah, that is if she's still alive!" he yells.

-"hey! don't say that!" alex yelled back.

-"who knows maybe all our parents are dead!" he grabs alex by the shirt.

i zoomed out at the word 'dead', the word was said to me so many times. too many time actually.

i was pulled out of my thoughts when zhenzhen slapped all the boys that were arguing. i didn't even notice gabriel left my side.

'when are you ever going to get your head out of the clouds, skye? people would be leaving your side and you wouldn't even know."

my brothers words repeated in my head, i know he didn't mean literally but it still made sense.

-"c'mon! we gotta get this key to Pasadena, or the police station so an adult can take care of the situation." alex replied smartly, after zhenzhen gave them a whole speech.

we all went to the shed with the bikes. gabriel bent down to unlock the bikes.

-"okay the code is six, six, nine, five, three." dariush pronounced. gabriel seemed to be struggling.

-"c'mon man, six, six, nine, five, three." dari repeated.

-"c'mon man. what are you, dumb?" dari insulted. i gave dariush a pissed looked.

-"i'm not dumb." gabriel huffed and walked out. I decided to go after him. no one should be anywhere alone.

-"hey." i said quietly when I found him leaning against the shed. he was staring off into the distance.

-"i'm not dumb." he said after a few moments of silence.

-"i know." I reassured him. I leaned my back against the wall near him.

-"its just i-" i interrupted him by holding his hand.

-"i know. a friend, who was like a brother to me, couldn't get his numbers straight either. he also couldn't read properly. he never had a good education or family. his friends were his family." i smiled remembering him.

gabriel squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. a tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. gabriel looked concerned and i could tell he was curious.

-"he died," i gulped, "he got caught in a murder wrap, escaped to a church with his friend, the church caught on fire. he didn't get out in time." I wiped my tears and before gabriel could say anything the others came out with the bikes.

-"all right lets get going!" dariush yelled. probably not the brightest idea, but neither was he.

-"guys.. i'm not going." alex said as we got onto our bikes.

-"why not?"

-"i don't know how to ride a bike." he replied

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