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You were at the pool all day with your friends and you had gotten a sunburn on your cheek and some one your shoulders. It's crazy! it's suppose to be cold out side yet it was so hot today that you got sunburn! It hurt a lot and felt like going him but you promise Leo too see him when your done. So you couldn't break Leo's promise. You were wearing a blue tank top with well you biki bottoms. You enter the lair and everyone went up to you.

"Why are you all red?" Mikey ask you. He pokes your shoulders as you squeal and bit you lip preventing from screaming.

"Don't. Touch. Me. There. That's hurts" you said and he apologize.

"It's called a sunburn" you said and drop you bags.

"Ohh that must hurt" Donnie says. He know what that is and he know it stings and burns.

"Yeah it does, now where's Leo? he told me to be here" you said and they point to his room.

"Thanks" you said and walk to his room. You knock on the door and it slowly opens.

"Oh hey (Y/N)... why are you all red?" he ask you. You look at him and you sat down.

"It's called a sunburn, don't touch my shoulders because they hurt" you said and Leo kissed your cheek but that didn't really hurt as much. He pokes your shoulders not listening to you. You but your lip and slap his hand.

"Ow, why you do that?" he ask.

"I told you not to touch my shoulders they hurt and burn there hot" you said and look at him. He smirks and gives him an idea.

"What?" you said and pushed he pushed you down. You hiss and he smiled down. He has something plan. He takes your tank top off and you blush.

"Erm... L-Leo" you stutter. He leans down towards you and starts to lock your shoulder, or where every seems to be hot just to cool you down. You gasp and you wrap your legs around one of his.

"Leo what are you- oh god!" You moan out. It seem to be working.... it is cooking you down. A few min ties later he stop and looks down at you.

"Cooled off enough?" he ask and you nod and breath out.

"Defiantly" you said and smile back at him.



You can back from swim practice and it was out side. You couldn't believe the weather! it is suppose to be cold but it was hot! That was mad it worst, it was hot out side. Like boiling hot to make you get a sun burn. It hurts a lot. You wanted to go straight home but Raph was coming over. You groan and when you walk in you room Raph was siting on your bed waiting.

"Hey, why are you home late?" Raph ask and walks up to you. He kisses you for a second and pulls away.

"I was at swim practice, I need to go shower" you said and he whines.

"But (Y/N) I want to spend time with you" he says and does the puppy eyes. You've never seen that before and it made you blush. That really got to you.

"Please....." he says and you really wanted to shower. You felt dirty.

"But I feel so dirty Raph" you said and he stop with the face.

"But that's how I like you, nice and dirty" he says and you blush. You smirk and kissed him.

"I know, but I have to go, you can come if you want?" you tease but he took it personally.

"Ok" he says and that took you by surprise.

"No I was joking, if we go in together I don't think we'd ummm get out or id go too far" you said.

"By the way why are you red? like redder than my mask?" he ask you.

"I got a sunburn" you said and took your shirt off revealing you in your swim suit. He blushes but turn his attention back to you.

"What's that?"

"It's when you go out side in the hot weather for a long time and you get burn" you explain to him.

"So your skin stays hot until it's gone? he ask and you nod. He grabs your hand and swing you around. He was right behind you and you didn't know what he was doing.

"Raph what are you-? oh god" you were cut off by him putting his tongue on your back all the way to your shoulder. He kisses your neck and you moan. You forgot about going to the shower. Than you felt coldness going down your back. Raph pour water down your back.

"Holy shit Raph!"you said and he laughs at you. You roll your eyes and went to the shower.

"No I'm sorry! haha!" he says and you went to go take a shower.



You were swimming and you got a bad sunburn. This didn't compute, it's suppose to be cold out side yet it was hot to make you get a sunburn! but you thought that Donnie can help you. You walk straight into the lair and didn't really bother to talk to the boys because they might tease you about being red.

"Donnie, I got a sun burn, can you like out lotion on me? to help me cool off" you said and when Donnie turn around he only saw you in a purple bikini. You set you bag down and walk over to him with lotion.

"U-uhhh S-Sure" he said. You lay on his table and layer on your stomach. He begins to rub your back with the lotion and you moan at the feeling if relaxation. You felt relax than Donnie hands slip to touch your butt. He slightly taps it that made it jiggle a bit and you laugh. He kisses your cheek and you blush and smiled at him.

"Donnie why is (Y/N) on you table only wearing a bikini" Leo walks in and so is the other brothers. You jerk up.

"Ow!" you said and Donnie puts you back down carefully.

"Erm, she's in pain and I'm helping here recover" he says showing the gap in his teeth. You smile at how adorable that is.

"Surrrreee you are Donnie" Mikey teases and you show him how red you are.

"Holy shell she a tomato!" he says and everyone laughs. You chuckle slickly and rolled your eyes.

"Yes I am, now go!" you shout and made them run out.


"Welcome Donnie"



You walk in the lair with an orange swim suit and you were red. Redder than raphs mask. Stupid sunburns got on you and you HATED sunburns.

"Hey babe.... why are you red as Raph mask?" he ask and you chuckle slightly.

"Let me guess sunburn?" Donnie come one. You nod and Mikey was confused about the whole sunburn thing.

"Donnie explain to him what that is" you said and he nods.

"You see Mikey, sunburn are something that when you been out side in the heat too long and your skin absorbs it and you get a sunburn it stings your skin and you turn red" Donnie said and Mikey looks at you. He runs to the kitchen and grabs a water bottle. Your eyes widens as he dumps the water on you. You squeal as the cold water made you numb for a bit.

"Mikey!" you said and he throws a water ballon at you.

"Sorry thought you need to cool down" he says and he kisses you. You smile but threw a water ballon at him!


"Sorry I thought you need to cool down" you mock him. He pouts as you sneak one and hit him again.

"Come back here!" he said and chases you around the lair.


Just a random chapter. :P

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