I like you

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Few weeks later




Leo's POV.

I was on my way to (Y/N) house. I could never get get off my mind. They way she laughs. Her smile, her eyes, they way her lips are perfectly shape. Her body.... Ok don't get to into it leo. She likes the things I like.

We both love space Heroes, your favorite color is blue, she into meditate, we're both fearless, we both love chocolate, well she is the one who showed me it and made me ate it but it was amazing. There's more I just came describe.

Than it hit me..........

I like (Y/N)



I couldn't get (Y/N) out of my mind. When I'm around her I came focus, I have a weird feeling in my stomach, I can't think straight, I stare at her a lot.

It's they way she looks. She very hot, her smile is cute. I love the fact that she was a little shorter than me. We both love the color red, we have a huge short temper, we like pizza, we like to fight on our brother, we like fighting, and so much more. Words can't describe how perfect she is.

Wait ..... what am I saying? Do I have feelings for her? Why am I describing her in that way? Oh great ... I'm turning into Donnie!



I can't believe it....... I like (Y/N)..... I like her more than April. (Y/N) is smart, funny, cute, she just like me but different at the same time. Her beautiful eyes, her smile, the shade of pink on her lips. She's everything I'm looking for in a girl. I'd be lucky if i get her or any girl for that matter. But what would she want in a nerdy guy or turtles like me? I don't know.

I'm over April..... well almost. But I know that I like or love (Y/N) way more than I did with April. I'm done playing hard to get with her. I'm done with her tricks and games and now I'm moving on to (Y/N). At least she be nicer if she ever turns me down.

Ok Donnie think. Wait for her to show signs if she likes you or show signs that I like her.

Good plan!



There's no way I'm denying it. I like

(Y/N)!!! I love her! She's just like me. She doesn't hurt my feelings, she doesn't call me names, and she doesn't hit me! Well only if I tick her off. But she's cute as a button! She's likes pranks, pizza, video games, and comics! We are just perfect for eachother! I like her so much! She's so cute!

Ugh! I can't describe her with one word! well yes I can, she perfect! there ya go!

I love (Y/N)!


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