Chapter Six

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“Where the hell do you think you’re going, Elijah? You’re wasted, you can’t drive!” Connor picked up his pace as he ran forward to my open my car door. They both gathered in front of me, staring at each other.

“Connor,” Elijah said, poking his shoulder, “you really need to learn to loosen up. Peyton’s with me, not you. And I’ll do whatever I fucking please.” His words slurred together as he tried to defend himself.

Connor lips were curling up as he stared at Elijah with hatred. All I could see in those deep chocolate eyes was pure loathing. Surely this wasn’t the same person that calmed me down just an hour before?

“You will not do whatever you fucking please! You could kill her and yourself, driving like that!” The more he screamed the scarier he became.

Elijah looked over to me, who was still sitting in the car with the door wide open, and then back to Connor. His eyes were glazed over and it was evident he was beyond wasted. His broad shoulders slumped as he gave up; too drunk to care any longer. “Whatever, asshole, take her home. You always get to be the hero, huh? Just like freshmen year?”

Connor’s whole body was shaking but he took my hand anyway and guided me over to his car across a little ways down. Seeing as he was a junior and a year older than me, he had a car that was permitted on school grounds. I watched as Elijah walked back into the party, no longer caring about his supposed girlfriend. Was I really worth that little? 

Wrapping my arms around my own waist, I stepped into to Connor’s shiny, lavish black car. He was still shaking with rage, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. I looked at his profile as he began to drive. His jaw line was defined, accenting the curvature of his cheek bones. His brow was furrowed and his jaw clenched, obviously still upset from what just happened.

What did just happen? Everything occurred so fast I didn’t have any time to analyze it. It was clear that Elijah and Connor detested each other, but why? It obviously went on before I even arrived at the school. And, the most important question: Why did Connor even care? None of the pieces fit together, the whole situation resembled a puzzle short of one piece. One thing was certain, though, and that was I needed to get out of this dress. I knew it made me look fat, and sitting in the car alone with Connor, I could not feel more self-conscious.

As the minutes passed I noticed Connor begin to relax, his breathing slowing, though he still wouldn’t meet my gaze.

After about ten minutes, I asked, “How comes you and Elijah hate each other so much?”

He let out a short, bitter laugh. “I think you’ll see in the course of the next few months that Elijah has a way of getting to your head. But let’s just say things didn’t go so well our freshman year.”

“And you won’t tell me what happened?”

He waited so long to answer I thought he’d forgotten about my question. “Maybe some day.”

*** *** ***

Opening my eyes, I could see the morning light begin to welcome itself into the dorm room from the window. I was so unbelievably tired. It couldn’t be morning already, could it?

My clock read 6:00am, which answered my question. It was Monday, September 23rd, about a week after I’d gone to that awful party. Things had been a little since then. Connor and I had exchanged numbers that night in the car and he told me to call him if I ever needed anything. Instead, I’d been texting him almost every day. We hadn’t seen each other in person, however, which is good. I’m terrified of him telling me what Elijah did - that I was a fat ass.

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