Chapter Five

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Okay so if you’re reading this and are keeping up with the story I’d just like to give you a virtual hug. Thank you so much guys and I hope you like this chapter xx

***Peyton’s POV***

Blood rushed from my face as I saw Elijah approach Connor and I. We weren’t doing anything wrong, just talking a little bit. I hardly knew him. Why did he appear so pissed off?

“Hockley, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” His voice was loud and eminent, echoing across the courtyard. The veins in his neck were visible as he strode toward us, quickly and feverishly.

Connor put his hands up with his palms facing Elijah. “Nothing, we were just talking. We accidently ran into each other.”

“Yeah? You just accidently ran into each other when there is literally no one else around?” Elijah’s eyes focused on Connor, looking upon him with hatred. He slung his hand around my waist to show his possession over me. It was so tight I couldn’t move.

“Elijah, calm the hell down. Ask Peyton, we were just talking. I’m out of here,” Connor said. Before he left I noticed his gaze shift down to Elijah’s hand on my waist. He shot me a helpless glance and walked quickly towards the Science Building.  Elijah put his hands on my shoulders and crushed me into him.

I pushed him away immediately. “What the hell was that about? I didn’t do anything wrong, neither did Connor.”

Ever since Tuesday night when Elijah and I went on our “date” we hung out and texted all the time. He was really pushy when it came to making out but he said he’d wait however long I needed to wait. I didn’t think this meant we were suddenly together, but I guess so. I had my first boyfriend and only three weeks into school. The thought made my stomach flip with uneasiness.

I wasn’t even sure if I liked kissing him. After all, he’s the only boy I’ve ever kissed. I also wasn’t sure if I liked the way that he treats me, like I’m some pet of his. But I do like the way he looks at me like no other guy seems to.

“I know, but that kid just pisses me off so much. You shouldn’t be around him. He thinks he’s the shit just because his parents are millionaires. Let’s just go to class.” Connor’s parents are millionaires?

I didn’t really have much of a choice but to accept Elijah’s apology. I tried telling myself it wasn’t a big deal. The amazing thing was, he actually liked me, even though I was so painstakingly ordinary. With his arm slung around my shoulder, we walked to my History class. It was a bit nicer out today, I had to admit. For a Thursday morning in late September it was rather warm out and I loved the feeling of being warm. The sky was pale blue and cloudless.

Right before I opened the door to my class, Elijah reached down and brought my chin up so he could kiss me. I kissed him back, but only for a little. His lips were really dry and scratchy. It occurred to me that everyone inside the class could see Elijah and I from the window in the door. I opened the door attentively, knowing I was late, and made my way for my seat. Sara glared at me as I sat down.

“Alright class, please open to page 231 in your text books.” Mr. Simmons shot me a disapproving look but said nothing. One of the perks of being the new girl.

I reached into my bag to follow his orders, but instead found a Chemistry text book in my bag. I stared at it for a second and checked my book bag again. I was in Biology, Chemistry was a class for juniors. So how did a Chem book get in my bag?

I found the answer when I opened the cover of the book and saw a name scrawled inside: Connor Hockley – Grade 11 – Book 97. I had taken Connor’s textbook by mistake when we collided prior to this class. Shit. He had my US History book and I was left here with nothing but an upset Mr. Simmons and a detention.

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