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Nicki's POV
I heard the front door open and close downstairs. Rolling over, I looked at my phone. It was a 4am. I sighed and rolled back over. A few minutes later I hear Don come in the room and he got undressed. He sat down on the bed and was on his phone for a few minutes then got under the covers. He crawled near me and put his arm around me. I could smell whatever bitch he was with. He smelled like some cheap ass Victoria secret body spray. I instantly became livid but I kept my cool and fell back asleep.

The next morning
I was downstairs making the kids breakfast while they sat and played in the living room. Don was still sleep upstairs. I chose to ignore the perfume since it could've been from anyone. He's a celebrity and people like to hug and take pictures. So I brushed it off. After I fed the kids, I cleaned up and then washed the dishes.

I set a plate aside for Don and then made my way upstairs. He laid there on the bed still sleeping soundly. His phone kept buzzing against the night stand. I wanted to go over and see who it was. I walked near the phone and started to reach for it. I shook my head and chuckled to myself. You're crazy bitch, I thought to myself. I went to bathroom and got ready for the day. When I got back out the bathroom, I saw Don putting his clothes on. "Where you going" I asked. "Uhhh I gotta go to a photo shoot. I'll be back later" he says. I nod and he kisses me on the forehead.

He then turns to leave out the room. I sigh and pick up his dirty clothes from last night and put them in the hamper. I went about my day and took the kids to the zoo with Ari and lil Rico.

Don's POV
As soon as I left the house and got in the car, I took out my phone.

She texted me her address and I pulled off

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She texted me her address and I pulled off. She wasn't too far from me so I got there in about 30 minutes. I texted her letting her know I was here. 5 minutes later she came out. Getting out of the car, I opened her door. I jogged back over to my side and got in. I looked over at her and smiled. "Hey" I said. "Hi" she said with a smirk.

"So where you taking me" she asked. "Let's go out of town" I said. She looked back at me crazy. "But I don't have any clothes" she said. "Don't worry about that, we won't stay too long, plus I can buy you whatever. So you want to go" I asked. She bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. I leaned over and kissed her lips and then added tongue. She pulled away and giggled. I pulled off and drove to the airport.

I booked a jet that was taking us to LA for the day. We boarded and waited for take off. "I'm happy we ran into each other" I said. She smiled and rubbed my beard. "I'm glad too pooh" she said. "Why you leave me" I blurted out. She looked down and moved her hand. "I-I thought it was the best thing for us" she said. "How A" I asked. "I was going away to college and I didn't want to hold you back from your dreams. Plus with the miscarriage and everything. It took a toll on us" she said. "But I loved you. I love you." I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I love you too baby. I miss you so much" she said. We leaned forward and kissed each other.

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