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Don's POV
"So you not going to eat" I said to Elias. He sat in his high chair and stared at me. I was trying to feed him but anytime I brought the spoon to his mouth, he wouldn't open his lips. "Ok, don't eat. You the one that's gonna be crying when you hungry later" I said. "I'll let ya mama handle that shit" I mumbled under my breath.

"What you say" Nicki said with a chuckle. "Nothing mamma" I said. She came over to the baby and kissed his cheeks. I smacked her ass as she bent over. "Ow" she looked at me annoyed. I shrugged and looked at my messages. "So when we planning the wedding" I asked. "Well I don't really want to do anything until after I drop this baby" she said pointing at her belly.

I pulled her close to me and placed her in between my legs. "I'm excited to have another little me on the way" I said with a smile and kissed her belly. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Me and Kai wanted a girl" she says. "We can try again after this one" I say nonchalantly. Her eyes widened and shook her head. "Aw hell nah, I'm getting my tubes tied after this" she says.

Nicki's POV
"We definitely having a football team ma" he says. I shake my head and walk into the living room. "Mommy, there is a lady in our driveway" Kai says. I froze for a second and slowly looked in the direction she was pointing. I crept over to the window to get a closer look. Don came in from the kitchen. "What y'all look—-"" he stopped once he saw what we were looking at. His eyes filled with rage and he walked over to the front door.

"Stop, what if she is some crazy ass fan" I say trying to grab him. He got out of my grip and opened the door. "PATRICE, how the fuck you get to my house" he yelled. I stood there confused as to how he knew this woman. The woman walked closer to door and I realized she had a little girl behind her who looked to be about 2 years old.

When I looked the little girl in the face, I damn near fainted. "Why this little girl look like Kai" I asked. He stared at them with his mouth open. "Good to see you again inmate 4539" she said with a smirk.

"What the fuck are you doing here" he finally said. "I came so you could meet your daughter. Zoë say hi" she says looking at the little girl. She was shy and hid behind the woman's leg. "This ain't my daughter Patrice. Quit playing with me" he says. I had enough since I already knew this little girl was his and I walked away.

Don's POV
I looked at this girl and just knew. But I was in extreme denial. Patrice shoves a bookbag in my hand. "Here, take her. I can't afford to keep her anymore" she says. She pushes the girl towards me and said "go be with daddy. He will get you anything you want ok? I love you". She takes off running in the other direction. "PATRICE" I yelled out.

The little girl started crying. I bent down and looked at her. "Don't cry mama" I say as I wipe her tears. "You went something to eat" I say. She nods and I stand up. I stick out my hand and she puts her tiny hand into mine. I lead her into the living room with Kai. "KaiKai this is Zoë. Play with her while I talk to mommy" I said. She nods and walks up to Zoë.

I walk up stairs and check in our room, empty. I walk to Elias' room and see her in the rocking chair rocking him to sleep. I stood at the doorway and admired her beauty. Without looking at me she says "when were you going to tell me about her". "Ma, I had no idea about her. You got to beli—" I started to say before she cut me off. "So you fuck old bitches now" she says. I shake my head. "It's not like that" I said. "Then what is like then Don. Because that little girl looks exactly like you" she says looking up at me with red puffy eyes.

"Baby, it's complicated" I said. She chuckles and then carefully put Elias in his crib. "Please explain to me what's complicated, better yet just don't" she says and walks pass me. "Just listen to me" I asked. She rolled her eyes and smacked her lips.

We sat on our bed and I told her everything that happened to me while I was in jail including Patrice raping me. She looked unconvinced at the end. "So you mean do tell me that lady raped you and no one knew about it" she asked. "That's exactly what I'm saying" I said seriously.

"You must think I'm dumb Don" she said getting up from the bed. "I'm too pregnant for this shit" she says. I look at her as she starts packing a bag. "Where you going" I say. "I need some time to think about everything. It's always something with you. I need to think about if this marriage is something I want anymore" she says.

"Don't say that. Of course we getting married" I say. She shakes her head, "I don't know Don. You're a fucking liar. You always say some dumb shit to cover up your fuck ups. I'm tired of it" she says. I grab her arm. "I am not lying. I didn't know about that girl and that lady did use me" I say. I refuse to actually use the word rape out loud because it makes me feel some type of way.

"I would expect you to understand. You know what it's like to be taken advantage of" I say. She looks at me in disbelief and smacks the hell out of me. "Don't compare yourself to me. You fucked that woman and you don't want to own up to it. It's a big difference" she yells.

I stood there as she went from room to room packing her and the kids some clothes. "I'll call you and let you know where me and kids are. But until then, spend some time with your new daughter" she said with a scowl on her face. I knew there was no way of me stopping her so I let her leave with the kids.

I sat in the living room and stared at the little girl as she played with Kai's toys. She was cute. She looked just like Kai when she was this age. It was almost like they were twins. She walked over to me and reached up to me. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and she touched my beard. She seemed fascinated by it. She then laid her head on my chest and slowly fell asleep. I turned on the tv and watched as she softly snored in my arms.

A hour later she woke up. "I hungry" she says and rubs her eyes. I pick her up and walk to the kitchen. She was so cute with her messy hair.

[I know this is Kai, but Zoë and her look a lot alike

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[I know this is Kai, but Zoë and her look a lot alike. Plus Kai is older now. So let's just pretend 😊]

I sit her down at the table and make her a pb&j since I didn't know what she liked. I also got some gold fish and poured some on her plate. She ate her food and then said "juice". I chuckled and grabbed her one of Kai's juices. "Here you go munchkin" I said and put it next to her. She smiled at me and then kept eating.

Sitting there watching her blew me away. I couldn't believe she was mine. I couldn't deny this little girl even if I wanted to. She looks too much like me.

A/N: Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me!

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