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Don's POV
Ever since Nicki told me she was in love with someone else, I've been focusing on my kids and my music. I'm not going to lie, it's hard as hell seeing Nicki love another man. I know I've done her wrong in the past but I never thought she'd actually leave me.

It was Nicki's turn with the kids and she was on her way over to get them. "Come on mama, put your shoes on. Mommy is on her way" I say to Kairi. She gets excited anytime I mention her mother. "I can't wait to see mommy and mari" she says. I look at her and say "who". "Mari. Mommy's boyfriend" she giggles. My nose flares. "Is he nice to you" I ask. "Yes. He lets me eat ice cream" she says. "That's nice" I say.

I get Elias ready and put him in his carrier. "My boy" I say as I kiss his cheeks. It was like I was staring at myself whenever I looked at my kids.

The door bell rings. "Mommmyyy" Kairi yells and runs to open the door. "Kairi, what did I tell you about opening the door without my permission" I say. "Sorry daddy" she says looking like she's about to cry. Nicki looks up at me and then to Kairi. "Can mommy get a hug" she says. Kairi smiles and hugs her legs. I pick up Elias in his carrier and walk out to her car. "I could've done that" she says. "You good" I say. I pick up Kairi and strap her into her car seat.

I load the baby bags in the trunk and I close it. Nicki stands on the outside of her car and leans against it. "Look, I'm sorry about the club" I say to her. "Don't worry about it" she says. "No I was wrong. I got my feelings hurt and I took it out on you" I say.

"We're Good Don. Thanks for apologizing" she says. She smiles at me and I smile back. I pull her into a hug and hold her. I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her tighter. I missed the feeling of her in my arms. She pulls back and kisses me on the cheek. I see something shine in the sun. I look down and see her hand.

She follows my eyesight and tries to hide the ring. "What the fuck is that" I say calmly. "It was a gift from Omari" she says. I sigh and shake my head. "You getting married" I ask. "No, it's a promise ring" she says. "You really with this nigga huh" I ask. She nods. "Nicki this is really fucking with me. It's breaking my heart to see you happy with another man" I say. "I'm sorry that this is hurting you. That's the last thing I ever wanted to do. If you love me then you'll let me be happy. He makes me happy Don" she says.

I hold my tears back and nod my head. "Alright" I say. "I'll see you soon. We love you" she says. "Love y'all" I say. I peak through her window and wave at the kids. "Bye Daddy" Kairi yells. "Bye mama" I say. I walk back into the house.

Nicki's POV
Kairi begged me to go over her cousins house so I dropped her off over there and I went home with the baby. I invited the girls over and we had a movie night.

I put the baby down to sleep and I went downstairs. "What y'all wanna watch" Ari says to me and Brooke. We shrug and she rolls her eyes. "Y'all some indecisive ass hoes" she says. We crack up laughing at her. I look over at Brooke. "So what's up with you? What going on in your life" I ask with a smile. She smiles and sighs. "Nothing really, I've just been working. I've been going through it lately. My brother died a little over a year ago. So it's been rough on me and my family" she says. I gasp and say "I'm so sorry to hear that". She nods, "Yea, it wasn't a complete shock since he was in the life. But it hurts knowing somebody killed him" she says. I rub her back, "it's okay boo. You can always talk to me whenever you need too" I say.

"What was your brother like" Ari asked. I looked at her and she looked back at me confused. "It's okay" Brooke says. "He was the best brother. He took care of me when our mom was on drugs. He made music for a while but he was always in the streets. He was a blood" she says. "I can definitely relate" I say. "He fell in love with this bitch and she got him killed" Brooke says getting a little upset. "Damn sis.. these bitches really be trifling" Ari says.

I hear Elias crying from upstairs. I start to get up but Brooke says "Please let me. I love babies. Elias is so cute". I smile and nod my head. She disappears upstairs. Me and Ari were talking and watching the movies. We get up to go get some drinks from the kitchen. About 10 minutes had passed and Brooke hadn't came back down. I got a little concerned but brushed It off.

I made my way upstairs and went straight to Elias' room. I opened the door. "Brooke" I call out. There was no answer. I walked over to the crib and I almost fainted. Elias was gone. "BROOKE" I yell. She still didn't answer. I ran into the other rooms and no one was there. I started panicking and my breathing was out of control. I thought I was going to pass out. "Whats going on" yelled Ari. "SHE TOOK MY BABY" I screamed. Her eyes widened.

"Im calling the police" Ari says as she runs back to the living room to get her phone. I fell to the ground and wept loudly. "SHE TOOK MY BABBYYY" I screamed while sobbing. Ari was on the phone explaining everything to the cops. A few minutes later I hear "NICKI" being yelled. The door flew open. It was Omari. I got up and fell into his arms sobbing into his chest. "She took him" I said. He rubbed my head and told me to calm down. "The police will find him baby. She couldn't have gotten far" he says. I cry harder and my tears wet his shirt.

The police arrived to my house. I couldn't talk so Ari did all the explaining. We gave all the information we knew about her which wasn't much since we didn't really get to know her. They sent out an Amber Alert and told us they would call if anything changes. I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. Omari rubbed my back and tried his best to keep me calm.

The front door swings open. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON" Don screams. Ari tries to explain to him but he brushes pass her and walks to where Im sitting. "NICKI WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, WHERE'S ELIAS" he screamed with tears in his eyes. "She took him" I said starting to cry again. "How could you let this happen" he yells. "I only let her check on him, I didn't think she would take him" I said. "Where were you? How the hell she leave without y'all noticing" he says. "Me and Ari were in the kitchen. She must have slipped out the side door" I said.

He paces back and forth while huffing and puffing. "I cant believe this shit" he yells as he thrusts his fist in the air. "WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU TO NOT KNOW YOUR SON IS MISSING" He screams. "Thats enough" Omari steps in. "Do I need to whoop yo ass again nigga" Don yells in his face. "You not whopping nobody ass in here bro" Omari says back. "Lets go then nigga" Don says pulling up his pants.

"CUT IT OUT" I yell. They look over at me. "My son is out there. And y'all want to sit up here and fight like some bitches" I say. "Both of y'all can get the fuck out" I continue on. They both start apologizing. "I think everyone is on edge, lets settle down and think about what we can do to find Elias" Ari says. We nod our heads and sit down on the couch.

Don calls Kev over to help. He was good with finding people since he knew every one. "So who is this bitch" Kev says. "She works for me up at the shop. We thought she was cool so we've been hanging out with her" I say. "She was sweet and nice. She didn't give us bad vibes at all" Ari added. "Show me a picture of her"

 "Show me a picture of her"

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"Oh shit" Kev says. "What" Don says. We all look at him as he squints his eyes and looks closely at the picture. "Thats game's little sister" he says.

A/N: y'all shook or nah?
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