Chapter 17

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You put on the goggles and headset as you took hold of the controls beside Joseph, "Ha Ha! You're not the only one with wings, I'm coming for ya!", Josep boasts, "It's too early to celebrate Joseph!", you retort before checking the ammunition, "Guns are ready!", you announce, "Good! Let's get him as far away from the others!"., he shouts before he maneuvers the plane. Once you turn the plane to face cars he fired the plane's ammunition, then you noticed cars was also firing back something, "Joseph!", "Huh!?", Joseph huffed out and quickly tried to move the plane, but ended up getting bombarded anyway, you grunted as you tried dodging the armored feathers.

When the firing stopped you scowled, "Tch, he fucked up my controls!", you growl, "This doesn't look good!", Joseph shakily says making you face the window, "Mierda!", you curse as the plane lands in the water, "Oh no you don't!", Joseph shouts as he pulls up the plane while you unbuckle the seatbelt, "Touching down is not an option wait (Y/n) what are you doing?!", he turns to you, "I'm going to see if we can use anything on this damn plane!", you shout back as you go to the back of the plane, once it was steady you decided to ask while looking through the plane, "How fast are we going, Joseph?", "240 km per hour, we're safe for now-", "How's our gas?", you cut in, "Damn! We only have 2 hours left", he huffs. "Guess I can't give him the slip for as long as I thought", he sighs, "but we can keep his attention from the others", you reassure, then you begin to hear static, "huh, hey Joseph is that Speedwagon?", you asked, "Huh?", he lets out his confusion as you both listened in closer, "Jojo!(Y/n)! Do you read me?! This is Speedwagon over!", Speedwagon's voice came through the radio, you can't help but smile.

 "Speedwagon!", You chirp, "Hey you guys missing me down there yet?", Joseph teases, Speedwagon lets out a sound of relief as you stand behind Joseph, "Oh thank goodness, you were smart to grab that plane and, I know it's not much but the Germans and I will do what we can to help from here, do you have a map?", he asked suddenly, you look behind you and once you spotted one you handed it to Joseph.

"Yeah, we found it", Joseph says, "Good, maintain radio contact and I'll guide you to safety", Speedwagon reassures, "Joseph", you whisper to him gaining his attention as you pointed at a certain rock, "Jackpot", he grins and Speedwagon begins to fade, "-if you can hear me pipe up!", he panics, "Yeah we can hear you Speedwagon", "Clear as a bell", Joseph looks at you, and you knew that this plan was likely going to be the end of you two. "How do you think this is going to go, I mean we don't have a weapon or fighting technique that will work on Karz worth a damn, you were yelling about him being Immortal remember?", Joseph says you took off the headgear as Joseph continued to speak with Speedwagon until you heard something odd. Before you realize that there were piranhas fish in the plane, "What the hell?!", you shout trying to grab and throw them out, "Are you kidding me?! Piranhas huh!? That's logical! They'll eat the plane right out from under us!", he yells, "Way to state the obvious!", you growl as one bit into your hand, "but how did they get in here?!", Joseph suddenly asked and your eyes widen the narrowed, "Karz's feather armor!", you yell. "No don't eat the parachute! You devil fish!", he scowls grabbing the chute before you both suddenly paused at a noise, "Oh no this is bad!", he shouted as you see tentacles grab hold of the plane, "Joseph!", you scream just in time to cover his face with your upper body as an explosion burns your back, "Gah-!","(Y/n)!".

The plan begins to fall just as Joseph grabs your hips to steady you, you grab ahold of the armchair while Joseph steadied plane to hit Karz, "Ready(Y/n)?", Joseph asks with a sharp look in his eyes, "Ready", you grow as you both took hold of the plane's yoke. You both spotted Karz and let the plane focus on him, "Hey Karz!", you both gain his attention but Joseph continued to speak, "I'm a Joestar, we don't go down without a fight, you and I got a date with that volcano don't try to weasel out!", he shouts, you grinned maliciously, "When you do with a Joestar, don't forget you deal with a (L/n) tu pinche cabrón!". You both ram the plane against Karz, you looked toward one another as a soft smile came onto your features, "It was nice knowing you Joseph", you sigh, "I wish we had more time (Y/n)", he mutters back, but nice steady moment was ruined when you both heard Karz's is laughter, "Really now, do you think I cannot pry myself out of this foul contraption before you try to smash it into the ground you gibbering primates and tainted traitor", Karz grins, you and Joseph frown in frustration as he continued to taunt. "Kars-", "you coward!", Joseph finishes for you as Kars only chuckles, "Know that your death won't accomplish anything!", he yells pulling himself off making you and Joseph panic, until a metallic hand grips his neck area, you look to the side and see the familiar robotic German, "Joseph its", "Von Stroheim!", you both then realized something, "how did you get into the plane? When did you have time?", Joseph asks, he only chuckles.

"I wasn't sure you couldn't handle this battle all alone, next time I should stay away in the cabin Chopper", Stroheim smirks as you and Joseph laugh, "You cocky German bastard", you smile, "Next time huh?", Joseph smirks, "When I give the word you too much jump out", Stroheim shouts, "Not on your life no way, believe it or not, piranhas ate our damn parachute", "We don't really have a choice Joseph!", you shout at him and grab his shoulders to tug him out of the plane. You both jump out and scream while doing so just as Stroheim catches you, "AAHHHHH!", you all scream simultaneously as an explosion pushes you all onto the ground, you all tumbled until your face landed on Joseph's stomach, with a grunt you push yourself onto your hands and rolled yourself off him. Joseph laughed as you let your legs tangled with his until Joseph looked over at Stroheim, "Stroheim you're crazy, I'm crazy too but I admit when someone's got me beat, that was a pretty courageous move", you laughed as Stroheim looked at you, "You seem to be alright, (Y/n) probably lost her sanity, but what about- where he go? Please tell me Karz fell into the lava!", at Stroheim's words you stopped laughing and sat up looking around until there was an eruption, "WOAAAAH!/AHHHHH!/GAHHH!", the three of you scream.

Karz voice was still heard, "I'm- still- alive! RAAAHHHHHH!".

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