Chapter 11

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You and the others waited in an open area is Joseph wandered off elsewhere, likely to annoy Von Stroheim, you drink your (coffee / tea) as you closed your eyes. You looked relaxed to the others but your group knew that you were sniffing out any unwanted guests, then you finally smelled him out 'Karz'. You stood up making the others look at you, " I'll be at the restroom and check in on Joseph after, knowing him he is likely trying to annoy a german", you sigh, " Slap him in the back of the head for me when you see him, yeah (Y/n)", Caesar gins at you. "Sure, but let me do something before I go", you say with a small but slightly noticeable grin, getting behind Caesar you threw your sash and coat over his head while ruffling his hair, "Hold that will ya, I know you'll miss me when I am gone", you tease and surprisingly a pink hue dusted Caesar's cheeks as you left, but in the end he grinned.

Once out of view you went straight to where Joseph and Von Stroheim were, bringing out your staff you slammed the door open just in time to see Von Stroheim use his bodily arsenal against Karz,"(Y/n)?! Wha-!", "I just sniffed him out", you cut off Joseph, a sudden glow that was radiating off Karz caught both yours and Josephs attention, "That light...", Joseph observed making you look at him, "the blade coming out of his arm is glowing", Joseph finished, you frowned as you cautiously took your stance. Your eyes widened at a sudden realization, "No Joseph, that blade is somehow part of his bodily functions",  Joseph looked over at you with widened eyes, "Are you saying that you can do what he can do too?!", he gaped, "It will likely take years of practice but yes, I would be able to do something similar" you explain hastily. You and Joseph stiffened when Von Stroheim was sliced in two diagonally, Karz stared down at him coldly, "And what was San viento, nothing but a weak  child, a well trained guard dog, he couldn't even compare to us", you glared at him, 'How could he talk like that about a comrade?!' , your anger slowly began to rise. 

Karz lifted Von Stroheim as he continued to speak, "Now, I'll take that stone", Joseph followed cautiously after Karz as you stayed and let wind from naturally around your feet to launch yourself, Karz patted down Von Stroheim until he finally found the stone, that was until Von Stroheim blasted some sort of energy out of his left eye. Once both Joseph and Karz began to run after the stone did you launch yourself, twirling your staff you wacked Karz in the face,"Eat shit pendejo!!", you shout as Karz grunts from the attack, you were lucky to grab the stone but silently cursed when you tried to slow down. Looking up ahead you growl, "Jojo!", youo shout looking back at him, "(Y/n)!", he calls out to you, concern and worry enveloping his features, you smirked back at him as you crouched down gripping the stone loosely, getting ready to jump, Joseph finally figured out your plan when you tilted your head back towards Karz and readied your staff. 

You threw the stone in his direction as you jumped, Karz definitely caught it like you suspected letting you put the plan to action, "Joseph now!", you yell as he grins. Kicking snow into Karz's face Joseph was only able to catch the stone once you landed a harsh kick flip onto Karz's spine. "What do you know, looks like I am the one that made a nice catch, not you, enjoy the trip Karz", Joseph taunted as you landed next to him while you swung the stone, that was until Karz shoved a blade into Joseph's shoulder. "Joseph!!", "Awe man, no way!", he was then pulled down but you caught his ankle only to nearly get dragged down with them, digging your fingers into the cliff you grit your teeth at the extra weight, "Jojo! (Y/n)! Were coming!", you hear Caesar shout, "Hurry up! I- don't think I- can hold on much longer!", you grit out as your muscles strained at the weight of two men with a single arm. Just as the others neared the rock you held onto broke, "Mierda!, you hiss as you fell with Joseph and Karz, seeing Joseph's situation you decided to assist him, that was until Karz kicked him into the rock walls. 

You grabbed Joseph and grabbed your (now) short staff before hitting Karz's blade away, "I'd like to see you try", you growl at him, he only smirked as a strong smell prodded at you nose, at first you ignored it until it began to attack your senses. "(Y/n)! What is wrong?!", Joseph asks huridly, "I- think he's using- ack!- some sort of pheromone against me!", you groan as a headache began to take place, glaring at Karz you growl as he smirks, "Seems like your still getting used to your boosted senses, I see that you are weak against our peoples pheromones since you never been around us", he summarizes. Covering your nose Joseph began to make a rope of icicles with hamon as you made an air bubble of hamon around you, you smirked at Karz when he noticed the air around you began to spark with yellow-violet hamon, "(Y/n) now!", Joseph shouts, "Hamon Air Burst!", you shouted a hamon filled air bursted outwards of your body. Joseph was able to catch you around the waist as you stopped falling, panting you ignored Joseph and Caesar chatting until you butted in, "Aye dios mio, just pull us up already- huff- I think I might puke", you groan, "Please not on me!!!", Joseph panics.

*Timeskip to San Moritz, Switzerland*

You crossed your arms (already in your fighting gear), the others questioned if you were cold, but you only said it was a small tickle. You told the others that you would scout ahead, carefully you sniffed the air around you, and its smell unnerved you, like sulfer and rotten flesh. With a shiver you went around the place, sniffing out anything out of the ordinary  that you could potentially warn the others about, being sure to cover your natural scent you did your beast to blend in with the trees and snow around you. A few animals scurried around as you cautiously moved from tree to stone, keeping a safe distance away from the building that the Red Stone of Aja was addressed to on the package, taking out your binoculars you watched the windows for any movements or other beings inside the building, you mentally took note of small but necessary information that could potentially be useful. You softly sighed as you read over your notes that you took while scouting the building, jumping down from the tree you made your way to the rest of the group.

Reading over your notes, you crossed out possible notes that turned out to e useless, frowning you started formulating small plans and back up plans that could possibly help with braking any possible defenses that Karz and Wammu had. Onn your way to where the others resided you saw a figure heading your way, taking your staff out you sniffed the air, and your eyes widened while your brows furrowed in confusion, 'Caesar?'.

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