Chapter 14

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You were sitting on Karz's right-hand side as you spotted Joseph and Wammu pull up to the starting line in  their chariots, "The time is upon us when the full moon once again emerges from behind that could the battle will begin!", Karz announces and a roar of cheers erupted from the crowd, they all chanted Wammu's name. "You can do this Joseph!", Karz, Lisa Lisa, Wammu, and Joseph turned to you as you continued to shout, "If you lose I am kicking your ass myself before  I go round two on Wammu!", you smirk boldly at him. Joseph was about to retaliate back but huffed in the ends, he couldn't help but slightly smile at your encouraging/threatening claim, but he knew it was just a cover-up your anxious fear of the many possible outcomes that could happen.  

"The moon approaches the clouds edge, when it's light falls upon us the contest begins", Karz says as you and Lisa Lisa look up at the Moon until a clattering of rocks caught both of your attention, "JoJo what are you doing there? The race is about to start!", Lisa Lisa shouts you furrowed your brows at his behavior knowing that Joseph isn't want to do something seemingly unnecessary or useless unless it was part of his plan. "Heh, I'm well aware of that, the start will be the key and I sure don't want to mess that up, that's why I'm checking the rubble under my wheels", Joseph responds as he throws away some of the rubble in Wammu's direction - that's when you realized that Joseph indeed had a plan- he then turned to look at Wamuu, "Look at that Wamuu, you've got quite a big pile under your buggy, are you going to take care of it?", Joseph asks. Wamuu says nothing as Lisa Lisa rushes him, "Hurry, you've got to get up there!", the moon's light begins to peek through as Joseph threw the remaining rocks away, "JoJo!!", Lisa Lisa shouts again as everyone focused on the moon, Joseph then hopped onto the Chariot as you looked at the rubble around Wamuu's chariot. "Began Now!", Karz yells as they both lash the reins but Wamuu was stalled as Joseph got a head start, you chuckled as you heard Lisa Lisa and Karz speak their thoughts, "That cheeky little devil", "You bastard, you piled them there while we turned our attention to the Moon!".

You heard complaints from the vampires saying Joseph was a cheater, you only crossed your arms as you spoke your thoughts, "Everyone has a card up their sleeve, and in the game of survival we all use whatever is at our disposal", Karz glared at you and you gave him a challenging look until the race caught your attention. Joseph was able to reach the hammer first, but at how fast he was going it started to concern you when the heavy object began slipping out of his grasp, "JoJo! / Joseph!", you and Lisa Lisa shout until his grip on it became more secure and held it with both hands. A sigh of relief nearly escaped your lips as you went back to watching until Karz chuckled, "I see Wamuu has a plan in mind, let me see it, your fighting genius", he grins, your eyes widened as you focused from Joseph to Wamuu, his smirk was enough to give away that he did have a plan in mind, your eyes went back on Joseph when he put oil on the hammer to conduct hamon into it. You were focused on Joseph that you unintentionally blocked out Karz and Lisa Lisa until Wamuu picked up the pillar, "Joseph!", you shout as Joseph barely dodged Wamuu's attack when he leaped into the air. When Joseph landed on the ground you were pulled back when you unconsciously stepped forward, "Down already? Things seem to be done a bit early", Karz taunts, you scowled as you side-eyed him, Joseph groaned as he stood up, shaking his head as if to clear his mind. When you saw him grab the hammer and head straight towards Wamuu's chariot, your heart speed up as you watched Joseph strike the poll between the horses and use the momentum to launch himself into the air, you let out a shaky breath as he landed on a horse's back. You saw him cheer for a moment before he noticed Wamuu was gone, Karz laughed, "Heh,you can clearly see the Wamuu is ahead of his quarry", Lisa Lisa 'hm'ed as you watched on quietly, your fingers twitched as Wamnu grabbed Joseph's leg only for Joseph to slip off the boot as he jumped on to the other horse.

Joseph filled the hammer with hamon again as he went to strike Wamuu, "You fool, you don't see the trap", Karz grinned, "Careful JoJo! You need to keep at arm's length from him!", Lisa Lisa warns as you cry out, "Joseph!", "Now that wammu has merged with that horse, without having to worry about vibration or speed, which means that...", "No one has ever survived a direct hit from that attack, Caesar couldn't!", Lisa Lisa finishes for Karz as your throat clenches up, a raw cry escapes your throat as tears filled your eyes -"No, not again, please don't take Joseph too!"- "JOSEEEEEPH!!!". You couldn't hear anything as Joseph was tossed in the air before he landed in his broken chariot, you activated it without even meaning to, your hyper senses lead you to use your ear's sensitivity and you heard it, Joseph's heartbeat. The sound was enough to calm you down as your shaking figure begin to relax, you're breathing also calmed as you watched the game, as Karz signaled for the second set of weapons to be provided you just watched how Wamuu's arms were in bad shape. They even then you knew Wamuu wasn't done, so when you saw him pluck out his eyes you couldn't help but jolt and notice how a horn was revealed on Wamuu's head. Joseph ended up taking the larger crossbow, only to struggle drawing the string back, while Wamuu launched a shot and ended up killing one of Joseph's horses, you flinched at the poor things brutal demise. When Wamuu faced the crossbow in the opposite ofJoseph's direction you realized when he was practically going to bank the shot, it hit Joseph from behind, you heard Joseph's strangled breathing as the smell iron entered your nose.

When you saw Joseph try to get up and shoot Wamuu, you nearly jumped when he fell and pulled the crossbows trigger, but it was in that moment you realized that Joseph mimicked Wammu's bank shot and grinned when Joseph faked his panic, the shot hit Wamuu directly in the chest from behind. The arena went silent for a while until Wamuu faked his fall, only for Joseph to retaliate by using hamon with his elbows, thus leaving Wamuu defeated. "It's over, Wamuu won't be getting up again!", Lisa Lisa announces, you silently let out a breath you didn't even notice you were holding, but as you watched Joseph and Wamuu, you took notice of Wamuu's arms, "Wait a minute, weren't his arms still attached to a while ago?", you question yourself only to receive your answer a second later.

When Wamuu puffed up his chest you jolted when his severed arms burst out words towards Joseph, catching him by the neck and launching them into a wall, "His arms, he threw them using his chest wound, they grabbed Jojo and are choking him!", Lisa Lisa exclaimed as you watched on. When pipes sprouted from where his ribs would be you faintly remembered San Viento before your thoughts were cut off with Karz's is voice, "Ultimate Mastery!? No you shouldn't stop it Wamuu, it must not be done!!", the wind around Wamuu and Joseph waived violently. And yet for some reason, you already knew who would win and who would die.

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