Chapter 2

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You ignored the German commander in favor of carefully studying the red-haired male, he stared you down and also seem to be studying you, there was something about him that made you feel odd. It was like you felt comfortable with him, but on the other hand, he was a hostile, you growl in frustration but ignored your personal issues in favor of bringing your attention on the possible battle. Joseph movements caught your attention when he shed the uniform jacket, and cautiously outstretched his hand out towards this "San viento", "Don't do it Jojo he's dangerous!", Speedwagon warned you brought out your too long sticks from behind that were hidden with your sash to attack if anything were to happen, only to be bewildered.

"You're it!", Joseph chirped as he tapped San viento's nose before retracting his arm with the laugh, you scared for a moment trying to process what just happened until you burst, "The hell Joseph!", you screech with an angry glare, Joseph link that you message saying, "Don't worry I've got everything under control". "Oh I get it, you're one of the strong silent types, right? Ever thought about modeling? You've got a nice look there, come on let's see what we got, give me a smile!", Joseph continues to tease while you scoff and put your two sticks together to make it a whole staff. "Jojo stop this nonsense immediately!", the German Commander demands, "Don't provoke him, please JoJo San viento is dangerous, (y/n) please stop him!", Speedwagon pleads, you sigh and adjust your stance, "I'll try to keep him from getting killed sir", you say nonchalantly, "Yeah I know you think he's dangerous, but I have a theory that maybe he's not so bad, let me tell you something out here", Joseph explains.

You stayed on your guard as the men spoke before Joseph continued to tease and taunt, you nearly gave gasped when San viento suddenly appeared to be walking past him, 'Th-That speed!', you silently exclaimed as you adjusted your stance more seriously, "Have a nice trip!", Joseph grinned as he spins back to trip Santana, only to fall on his butt when San viento's leg went through Joseph's, "N-no way!", you gasp. "Wh-What the hell is that!? That was the weirdest feeling and it hurts!", Joseph growled you let your steps be silent as you carefully walked and paused to find a good position to attack as San viento picked up one of the guns from the ground. "What is this? This tool, cold and long with many different pieces", San viento observed only to surprise you all when he began to deconstruct the weapon, "How-how is he doing that?", Joseph gaped, "He's adapting and learning at an alarming pace!", you state, unsure sure how to feel about this discovery.

He took it apart, he dismantled the entire weapon like some expert gunsmith, Joseph stared at San viento, almost anxious ss you stood in a certain spot that was a good position for you to attack. The German commander and Speedwagon said something you missed but you heard what San viento said, "So bright, this light is new to me, what is it?", he was curiously staring at the lights as Joseph stood up and began walking over to him, "Hey big guy you want to know a new joke, just stop me if you heard of this one before", Joseph starts tapping a helmet against his head repeatedly saying "knock-knock", you scowl at his taunt, "Joseph what do you think you are-", "You are playing games primitive, I do not want to play games", Santana statement reached your ears, "Joseph! Move out-!". You were suddenly cut off as some things jutted out of Santana's body, prayer his rib cages would be, that was until you realized that those things were his ribs! Joseph used his hamon only to be tossed into the ceiling and fall back to the ground, when you saw San viento walk over to Speedwagon you acted fast, "Not on my watch!", you slammed your hamon filled staff against his stomach, only causing him to Grunt and look down at you, "Female primitive, yet also not a primitive", he reaches a hand out to you only for you to spin kick him, "Hands off!!", you grow only for your ankle to be caught making you grunt and try to jab the end of your stuff out of stomach again. You gasped as you were suddenly slammed to the ground with San viento's face against your neck, "Odd, you smell primitive, yet you also share qualities of our people", he states, your face heats up -out of embarrassment or anger you weren't too sure yet- as you reel your fist back and slam it into his temple with some hamon, throwing him off a few good feet away.

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