Chapter 9

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You were trained alongside Joseph and Caesar, except you had to train you with your pillar blood line rather than the hamon you were used to, it was brutal. The pain you had to get accustomed to was nearly unbearable, you nearly had to break every bone in your body, rip every muscle, tingle every nerve and injured people needs to adapt to your pillar bloodline. Not only did you have to adapt to the pillar side of yourself, you have to use hamon while doing so, it almost nearly made your body go numb on a near-daily basis. Joseph and Caesar constantly checked up on you after your first day of training, apparently your screams reached their ears even though you were training on the opposite side of the Island from them. While the training was harsh there was a lot of improvement fitted in a single month surprisingly, not only were you capable of using hamon, you are now able to use some of your bodily fluids to an advantage. While spitting out your stomach acid wasn't exactly a nice sight, it was pretty handy, as well as boiling your blood and making your sweat sticky enough to keep someone stuck for several minutes.

Sighing you cracked your neck from side to side as you just finished your exam with Loggings and Messina well Lisa Lisa, Joseph and Caesar got to sit back and watch the show. Rolling your shoulders your ground at the audible sounds of your ligaments popping, "Woah there (y/n)! Those moves were quite impressive!", Joseph complimented, "Very creative usage of Hamon (y/n), you looked quite graceful", Caesar cooed, heat formed on your face as you sputtered,"Sh-Shut it! I mean yeah– they were fine b-but not -! Ah~!- Stop smiling!", you feel your face redding as they both laughed at your predicament. Lisa Lisa soon called you over as Joseph and Caesar left to their instructors, they both looked at each other ones who left their site, this model to another before curtly nodding at each other. It held two meanings, good luck on your final exam, and, may the best man win. They both new of the one glance has one or the other gave you when you worked beside them, they both knew each other's flirtatious passes that you would get flustered over, they both knew. Well they both like to challenge each other, it was silently agreed on that the decision will be left to you, whether you realize their affection for you or not, they both respected your decision. Caesar recalled that night with you, the night where you stayed up practicing your hamon skills with your pillar abilities, you had exhausted yourself to the point you revealed to Caesar a softer side of yourself while he carried you to bed.

You told him many stories of your childhood, from the saddest ones you had of your mother, to the nicer times you shared with both your parents. Cesar snapped out of his brief days once he and Messina reached their fighting grounds, "Ready Caesar!", Messina shouts, Caesar got into position as he screwed on determinedly, "Ready!". Well Joseph only got to know you now, he still connected with you no matter how shielded you made yourself to be, even if he had to use small pranks. It was funny how a small Prank War began between him and you, it let you to grow close to the point where he could read you, and you would share your many secrets with him (and Caesar occasionally). Joseph really adored that side you hardly showed, seeing you get flustered was a merit bonus. As Joseph and Caesar said off with their exams, something didn't sit right with you, Lisa Lisa noticed you're uneasy posture as you stared at the setting sun, "(Y/n) is something wrong?", you slightly stiffened but relaxed as you begin to adjust to her presence, "I feel... I don't know, it's on the tip of my tongue but it's hard to explain", you softly spoke.

Lisa Lisa took notice of the ends of your hair changing into a silver blue color, "How about you take a bath first, I'll let you Patrol and search the parameters once you're done, for now I'll take a look around, Susie will bring you your extra clothes", Lisa Lisa rests hand on your shoulder comfortingly, relaxing you say, "Are you sure? I can look around I still have enough energy to stand and walk", you try to convince, Lisa Lisa only chuckled as she shook her head, "I'm sure (y/n), now go take that bath, you'll need it", she smiles. You side with a slight smile, as you walked away smell hit your nose, it was familiar yet questions, frowning you were about to say something until a sharp gas but left your mouth. Lisa Lisa took notice of the sudden halt and your movements,"(Y/n)?", you suddenly felt a blinding pain shoot down your spine and pierce the back of your skull before everything went black,"(Y/N)!!", Lisa Lisa ran towards your unconscious body and checked the state of your well-being. She sighed in relief when she found everything to be all right, with a hung she looked you over, "Her body is still a little new to her pillar bloodline, maybe it is still trying to adjust to these new hyper senses she has now?", she thought out loud as the sun was finally replaced with the moon.


It was a fight to the death, along with throwing in one's wits and battle preparedness. Joseph and Esidisi stared at each other cautiously evaluating waiting one another, that was until Esidisi closed his eyes and inhaled the air, as if you smelled something pleasing, "Ah~ The half-breed is finally in tune with her pillar blood, Karz will find this development pleasing", Esidisi purred with lidded eyes. Joseph scowled behind his breathing apparatus, he didn't like the look Esidisi had when he spoke of you, "What are you talkin about?! Leave (y/n) out of this!", he demands, Esidisi only laughs, "You think she'll be safe with you?! How amusing, she could likely kill you within a second, I'll let you in on a little secret then, you'll die anyway", he declares boldly. Joseph staggered back, alarmed at what Esidisi meant, "What do you want with her?!", he growls, Esidisi smiles, "(Y/n) is a descendant of Clear(*), a woman of our kind so unique and a diamond among gems, and since (y/n) did indeed inherit our people's blood, she likely has our abilities yet is able to walk into the Sun unharmed, and if she were to bear a child from us, it likely means that the child would be an evolutionary step for our kind". Joseph stood there with his mouth agape at Esidisi's theory, they're going to use you to make a new form of pillar men if their current plans didn't end up working, or if their plans were foiled, they'd then use you.

Joseph scowled,"Over my dead body, you're not going anywhere near the Red Stone of Ajia and (y/n) will never fall into your plans!", he declares, Esidisi chuckled,"That's only one of her uses, she is likely sensitive to her new predicament, barely getting used to her abilities and her scenes are now hyper sensitive, her scent though", he takes another deep inhale odd the air, "her fragrance is something I'd kill for". It sounded like a declaration of love, yet it was so dark. And soon their battle began as you slept, lost in an abyss of flashing memories and dreams, visions and brief glimpses of something odd.


Lisa Lisa finished her bath and checked up on you once she was done, she saw her peacefully you slept but noticed something peculiar. There was a unique pattern on your collarbone and since you were in your "battle gear" with your jacket removed (thus leaving you and your bandage wraps covering your breast and shorts) she saw these patterns appear on your sides, their colored nearly reminded her of the opal gemstone, especially when they shimmered and certain lightings. Lisa Lisa recalled never seen these patterns before, but before she could do anything Suzie gently knocked on the door and whispered, "You called Senora?", Lisa Lisa stood up, "Yes, I wanted to ask if you could fix up (y/n) a bath in the morning while I finish up some plans", "Of course Senora Lisa Lisa! I'll be sure to get her ready for tomorrow!", Suzie chirped as she left, Lisa Lisa smiled as you slept comfortably in your bed, what's something feather like tickled your back.


(*)= oc mention/appearance 
Clear= pillar woman who is the ancestor of reader, Clada and future descendents

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