5. The clock tower

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Hayner, Pence, and Olette just went up to send the others down Roxas followed them. They arrived at the top and looked first who's there. "You miss him," asked Axel Xion. "Yes, even now that I would be here again": she answers him. Axel looked at her and put her hand on her shoulder. "That'll be Xion again," I bet, "he told her with compassion. Xion looked at Axel and then looked back at the sunset. "May I ask what you are doing here?" Asked Hayner. Xion and Axel shot at each other and got up to look at the small troop. "How long have you been there?" She asked back. "From where you said" you miss him ": Hayner answers her. Xion looked past Hayner, Pence, and Olette and saw Roxas. "Xion do you have something?" He asked her. Xion did not move, and since she did not answer, she looked him in the direction of Axel shocked. "What do you Roxas always look like?" Olette asked them. Xion looked to the side and Axel looked at Olette. "First of all, this is none of your business. Second, this is not your property up here," he answers Olette. "This girl is familiar to me just from where I had two visions and then I just had a picture in mind that was her and the boy": thought Roxas. Xion did not show how much she did that Roxas did not recognize her. "What was her name again?" He thought further. "Roxas you say something", said Olette to him. "W .... what is?" He asked. "You should also say something to them", said Olette again. Roxas looked at Xion, who was still watching. "I agree with the guy it's not our property," he said, but he did not turn his gaze from Xion. "On which side do you stand Roxas?" Asked all three. "That's true": he answers them. Olette saw him in the direction Roxas was looking at. "What's so special about her?" She asked quietly annoyed.

Riku, who was already done with the ice is now in front of the clock tower and waiting for Xion that they go home because it has become so late. "Come on, Riku is waiting for you, you two have to go home," said Axel. Xion nods and goes with Axel in front of the clock tower. Riku goes home with Xion and Axel went down an alley and went back to the castle.

The other four went to the edge and sat down and ate their ice cream. "What was the name of this girl somewhere I know her but from were," Roxas thought. Olette watched Roxas all the time. "What's so important about this Xion?" Thought Olette. Roxas only looked at the sunset and continued thinking about the boy and the girl. Hayner and Pence talked and ate the ice. Olette just watched Roxas all the time and did not even bite off her ice cream. "Is what Olette": asked Roxas who has turned to her. "No, what are you thinking?" Asked Olette. "I think I've forgotten something ... ... mhh ..... I'm sorry it must go people bye see you tomorrow": he answers and said goodbye to the others. "See you tomorrow": said, Hayner and Pence. Olette just looked at Roxas, she does not believe him.

Roxas headed home to where he is in the mind of the boy and the girls. "In the first vision that I almost forgot, I knew the girl and I wanted to bring her back to me, too," he said in his mind. He thought and thought somewhere he has ever seen these coats seen. "I know where I saw this coat this Axel had one today and I also met him in my vision. But why did it hurt so much when they had fought? "He thought and ran home very quickly.

Xion and Riku have been back for a long time. Xion sat at the window of her room and looked at the stars in the sky and Riku was sitting in front of the fire in Xion's room because he wants to talk to her. "What happened when I was not there?" Asked Riku. "Roxas came with the others and the three said we took their place away from them and this girl with them asked us why we always look at Roxas like this", she replies. "Okey thank God, you did not go after each other," he said to Xion. Xion just looked at Riku and went to him in front of the fire.

Roxas arrived home and lay down on the bed, thinking about this girl and the boy. The body throbbed when he almost had the name of these girls and remembered something.

The day Xion got her keyblade back.
Axel, Roxas, and Xion laugh and eat the ice cream. "I hope we always stay together," said Roxas. "Yes ...", Xion added. "What drove him into you?" Axel asked him. "I wish this day would never end. Hang around, ice, the sunsets ... "said Roxas. "Nothing is for eternity, man. At least for a few Nobodies. "Said, Axel. "But we still have ourselves, even if things change and we can not do that anymore," Axel said normally. "Yes?" Asked Roxas. "As long as we think of each other, we are never separated. Did you notice that? "Said, Axel. "Ha, ha, wow, Axel. That sounds pretty silly. "Said Roxas to Axel. "What? I thought that was pretty profound. "Axel told him. Xion starts to laugh and then Roxas Axel scratches the back of his head and they both start laughing loudly.
End of the memory.

Roxas opened his eyes again and looked around. "This girl she is an important person for me more I do not know yet I hope it comes soon," said Roxas back to normal. He saw on the clock that it was already late and he went to bed to sleep.

Xion and Riku talked for a while in front of the fire. "So it's time to go to sleep Xion good night sleep well until tomorrow." Said Riku as he stood at the door. "Good night you too tomorrow": she said back. Riku went out and went to his room and lay down on the bed and fell asleep. Namine was already sleeping. Xion sits a little before the fire, but then she went to the bed and lay down and stayed awake a little. "Roxas I hope you will contact me soon and Axel will remember me especially. Good night Roxas sleep well and see you tomorrow. "She said to herself and then fell asleep.

Axel, who was lying on the bed all the time saw the ice - the stem of Roxas he had received from him where "Winner" was written on it. Axel looked out of the window and wished so much that he Roxas and Xion sit with joy on the clock tower and eat a sea salt ice and have fun again. Axel looked a little at the stars and then fell asleep.

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