1. The person in black

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1. The person in black

Roxas woke up and had that dream again with a boy named Sora. After he opened the window, he got dressed and went out to meet Hayner, Pence, and Olette. "There you are Roxas why did it take so long?" Exclaimed Hayner. Roxas arrived at the others and apologized. "Well no matter what we want to do," said Olette. "What we always do on the clock tower eating ice cream" suggests Pence. "Do not come boys again soon, we will only feed on the ice": nagged Olette. "You're right, what should we do then?" Pence agrees.

"If we have the losers there," Cifer uttered. "Not you again," said Hayner and Roxas out of one mouth. "Hey, treat the big Cifer with a little more respect," Rai said to the two. Roxas and the others laughed at the sentence. "We are sorry, great Cifer": said the four and laughed. "Haha very funny, I'm laughing at death," said Cifer sullenly.

That did not last long as loud Heartless emerged at the city center. "Who are they?" Asked Pence all. "If I knew that," answered Roxas. Cifer shouted to them. Each grabbed a plug that was nearby and went to fight it. The Heartless wiggle only on their posts and wait for a reaction from the children. After Cifer became stupid, he attacked the first heartless and tried to knock him to the ground. "Cifer not that's a trap!" Cried Roxas. The Heartless attacked Cifer and threw him back to the others, unconscious. "Cifer everything Okey ...." she asked the Cifer lying there who did not answer. "He's just fainting, no more" answered her Roxas. "It's better if we disappear, because if Cifer does not even have a chance ..." Rai started. "..... we do not have any so we take Cifer and disappear": finished Fuu. Vivi took Cifer's feet and Rai and Fuu took his body. Hayner, Pence, and Olette then went with the three of them to Cifer's house when Olette stopped.

"Roxas come on otherwise you're the next one", Olette called after him. Roxas concentrated on the Heartless and launched. "ROXAS DON'T!" Exclaimed Olette. Roxas suddenly had a sword in his hand where he had the plug. He took advantage of it and fought the Heartless. Hayner and Pence, who had heard the scream, arrived. "What's up Olette": asked Hayner and Pence. Olette pointed to Roxas who is still fighting against the Heartless and shows no weakness. "What is he doing?" Asked Pence. "You can see that, but he fights against these critters": Hayner replied grumpily. More and more heartless people arrive in the city center and Roxas is doing well. "How long can he keep it up?" Olette wondered. "None of us know that Olette": Hayner answered. Slowly the heartless are getting less and Roxas is still in good shape. "Why can I do it so well and where does this sword come from? It looks kind of like a key": Roxas thought.

When all the heartless ones were gone he looked at the sword closely. But from one second to the other the sword has disappeared with a glitter. Roxas was very confused after all this and looked at his hand all the time. "ROXAS": the three of them screamed as they walked to Roxas. Roxas looked at them. "What's up, why are you yelling like that?" He asked the three who had just arrived. "You still ask what was going on with you?" Hayner yelled at him. "I just tried to destroy the things", he answered Hayner calmly. "That works well Hayner calm down," said Pence who has calmed down again. "Roxas but I'm surprised that you are not out of breath": Pence wonders. "You're not the only one," replies Roxas. "Like now ... ... you do not either": all three asked him. Roxas wondered why he was not out of breath. "Let's just go to Cifer if he's already awake," suggests Pence. "Okey because I want to see his stupid face when he finds out that Roxas has destroyed those things alone": said Hayner while he laughed. "Not only you Hayner": added Roxas, Pence, and Olette. Roxas and the others then went to Cifer's house to rub it under his nose.

But what they did not know was that since the heartless ones showed up, someone has been watching. There was one person in black. "See you again ... ......... Roxas": the person spoke softly. This person stood on a wall on the roof of a house and watched everything from there. When that person was away from this point, Roxas first felt that they were being watched and looked at the stare while he stopped. "Is what Roxas come on?" said Olette to him. "I'll come", he answers back as he runs to the others and then went on with them. After the four were gone, two from the organization came to the city center. "He really forgot everything," said Saix. "Looks like it": Axel agreed. Saix disappeared afterward and it was only Axel at the city center. "You forgot everything, what did they do to you, Roxas?", Axel muttered under his breath, looking at the direction in which Roxas had left. Axel waited a while after he walked in the direction of Roxas and the others left.

Roxas and the others arrived at Cifer's house and knocked on the door. Fuu opened them and invited them in and led them to Cifer's room. "Is it better again Cifer?" Roxas spoke to him. "Yes, but I would like to know what those things were": replies Cifer. Hayner was just thinking about how to tell Cifer that Roxas did those things instead of Cifer. "You Cifer, how about we become friends?" Suggested Roxas. "That's what I asked you before or did you?" Asked Cifer. "Yes I know but what do you say to that?" Asked Roxas again. "Okey agrees," he said, shaking hands with Roxas. Roxas happily accepted and then laughed with the others. "Cifer do you know something?" Asked Hayner Cifer. "No, but you'll tell me right away," added Cifer. "Roxas did those things from before": said, Hayner. "How did you do that Roxas?" Cifer then asked Roxas in surprise. "Well, I would like to know that I had this sword and with the help of this sword, I could defeat it": Roxas answers while shaking his head. Everyone was astonished and did not say anything.

Axel stood in front of the window and watched everything but then he had no desire to see Roxas as he forgot everything he opened a gate to the organization and went inside.

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