2. The mysterious castle

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When everyone has stopped laughing, Pence drops something. "Hey guys, you already know the Old Manor House in the Woods": Pence asked everyone. "The Old Mansion where it is said to be mysterious and frightening" added Rai. "Yes, you have all been there before!" Asked Pence. "Not me": all said out of the mouth. "I can lead you if you want to go": asked Pence again. Everyone agreed and they went together to the forest to visit the mansion.

While the other woods are going to take place a meeting takes place in his mansion. "Nice to see you again," said Namine to the person. The person was astonished. "You can remember me.": She asks Namine. Namine just nodded, smiling. "You know that some kids are out here or," said the person to Namine. "Yes, I know that," answers Namine to the person. "What do you want to do that they do not see you?" Asked the person Namine. "You mean you do not see us?" Said Namine. "How ...": the person asked Namine. "Yes you will not go and I do not need to do it either because certain heartless people show up, you know that" answers Namine to the person. The person walked out of the room and went into a room opposite and sat down on the bed and lay down.

"Do you still know this person?" She asked the person behind her. "Yes, you can also remember Namine why that": asked the person Namine. "Riku I helped the person": she said simply to Riku. "Like that .....": he asked her. "While the person was disintegrating, I caught the sand crystals with DiZ and, with a few genetic tries, made this person a right one, making people out with flesh and blood and a heart and feelings," Namine told him. "Can you do that to anyone, even Roxas?" He asked Namine. "Yes Riku you can do that": she answers him.

When they arrived, they stopped at the gate. "This is this manor house," said Olette. "Yes, it looks really scary. It's said that nobody lives in there for years," said Pence to everyone. "Then let's go in or people": Cifer asked. "Of course": all answer as if from one mouth. When they had the gate behind them and, standing at the castle door, the door opened automatically. "That's scary," Olette said to the others. "It's not that bad," added Fuu. When they went in, the door closed again.

But then, when they were standing in front of a staircase, heartless people came from the ceiling and the sides. "Not such things again": said Roxas to the others. The Heartless still hopped on the spot and looked at Roxas. Roxas did not know what to do because the sword did not have it, but when he thought about it, it appeared in his hand. Everyone then looked at his hand and marveled. The Heartless saw the Keyblade and attacked Roxas. "Let's go behind this door": Hayner shouted. The others could barely escape through the door. Roxas stood and fought the Heartless.

"The Heartless are there Namine," Riku told her. Namine just nodded and looked out the window. "Do you think Roxas will do that?" Riku asked her. "No idea Riku": she answers him. "What about the person now?" Asked Riku. "She's next door in the room" answers Namine. "But why does not Roxas remember?" Asked Riku Namine. "Does not know because he's not in the organization anymore because of this may be" suggests Namine. "Maybe you are right": Riku agreed.

"Where is Roxas?" Asked Olette. "No idea apparently at the auditorium and fighting there against these things": Hayner answers. "But that does not make Roxas against the whole thing," said Olette to Hayner. "Olette he has even finished the things at the city center he'll be clear" he calmed Olette. "But they are more than at the city center Hayner": she makes clear to Hayner. "That's no reason to be so quick-tempered Olette", he said to Olette. "People, we have to find another way out": Pence stated. "Why do you mean about things?" Cifer asked. "No, because this door does not open", Pence told them. "Oh": all spoke out of one mouth.

Roxas struggled but more and more Heartless came from the corners he was surrounded by them. "The ... will ... not ... less ..." said Roxas in an exhausted voice. Roxas struggles and keeps fighting even though he is exhausted. The Heartless go over and over again on Roxas and attack him.

"Roxas has problems Namine": stinks Riku. "Yes I feel it": says Namine. "What are we going to do now?" Asks Riku. "It's better if you help him": Namine answers him. "Okey": he says. Riku headed for the door as he heard the door slam across the door. He ran out and saw the person who was with Namine before. Namine went down the hall to see what happened. "Wait what are you doing?" Namine asked the person. "I have to help Roxas", she said and kept walking. "Do not be so ....... hastily": at the last word Namine went down with her voice. Riku looked at Namine and then ran after the person.

The person in black came down from the stairs and saw Roxas lying on a wall on the floor. "Roxas": thought the person. "Why does this person always do what he wants?" Riku thinks before running down the stairs. The person jumps over to Roxas and stalks in front of him and spreads his arms. "Who is this person in front of me?" Thought Roxas when he opened his eyes. Riku just came down the stairs when he saw Roxas lying on the wall on the floor and, the person standing in front of Roxas spreads his arms out. Riku hears the voices next to the stairs and jumped to the door and went inside.

Riku looked at all the children. "What are you doing here?" Riku addressed the gang. "We saved ourselves from the things here and so far we could not get out of here", Fuu told him. "Come with me," said Riku. He then went with the gang to a window and stopped in front of it. "That cannot be .......": Pence started and could not continue talking because suddenly the window was open. "Blade press then pulls to you" explained Riku and opened it completely. "Okey": said Pence and jumped out the window. Everyone else jumped out, but Olette stayed inside. "What about Roxas?" Asked Olette Riku, looking at the door. "That's why I care okay": he answers her. Olette then jumped out and went with the others in front of the gate and direction city. Then Riku went out to the battlefield.

The Heartless attacked the person standing in front of Roxas, but when they were close enough to hurt the person, a keyboard appeared in their hand.
"You scumbag", said the person, once swinging the keyblade from left to right and out of the hood's hood some black hair was blowing in the air.

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