4. The meeting

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Information: If the name Xion is mentioned in the presence of Roxas, he is always marked with the characters "----" because Roxas does not hear him clearly through the lost memories but only a beep tone. Behind the "---" I will still write for you the name Xion in parentheses.


Roxas woke up and looked at the familiar faces. "Hayner, Pence, Olette, what happened?" He asked, humming his head. "Well, we went into a cellar that was in the mansion and you slipped and rolled down the stairs and the door to the hallway was closed and we could not get out", answers Olette in an enlightening voice. "How did we get out when the door was closed?" Roxas asked. "One Riku and one ---- (Xion) got us out", Hayner told him. At the name Xion, his head ached again and a fuzzy memory came back.

On the day Roxas woke up next to shells.
Roxas suddenly stood up when he heard a voice and she was like Xion's, but she was not there. He walked in the room where everyone is when there is work and saw no one there. Roxas went to the clock tower and sat down at the edge and looked down. "Roxas": said a voice behind him. Roxas looked at that voice and saw Xion. Xion went to him and stopped beside him. "---- (Xion) ... .... what happened to me?" Roxas asked confused. "You have slept ... ..... very long": she answers him. "Saix said we should and do not have any hopes. That you might not ........: she started to talk. "Anyway, you're awake now. That's all that matters. "She said. "I'm still a bit off track. Sleep is not the best medicine. "Said, Roxas. Both laughed and Xion walked to the right of Roxas and sat down. Xion took something out of her coat pocket and pulled something out and held it out to Roxas. "Here, I brought that with you", said Xion. Roxas accepted it and saw what it is. "That's a shell. Every time I went on a mission, I collected one. Hold her to your ear. "Xion said. Roxas held her ear and closed her eyes and showed him something. Xion only looked at the sun. A boy at the bottom of a beach and a girl standing beside him.
Reminder end.

"Roxas is everything okay with you, you were suddenly so dismissive," said Olette in a voice full of concern. "Yes, it's all ok again. What time is it? "Asked Roxas. "11:00 a.m. why you slept for almost a whole day," Hayner explained. "Really": he asked again. "Yes, really," answers Pence this time. "Let's go to town I could use a lot of variety.": He asked his friends. "Yes": said, Hayner. The four went outside to the ice cream shop to buy a sea salt ice cream.

Xion pulls her over and walks to the house. Riku who dressed as usual went to Namine. "You are going to town okay", he told her. "Yeah, okay have fun Riku," she said to him as she turned around. "Thanks, Namine": he said again and then went outside in front of the house. Riku and Xion then went to the ice cream parlor.

Xion and Riku arrived at the ice cream parlor and sat down on a table. 5 minutes later, an operator came and took the order. "For me, vanilla and chocolate please.": Ordered Xion. "I want the same please.": Said Riku. The waitress went and brought them another 5 minutes later the ice cream. Xion and Riku talked and ate the ice.

Roxas, Hayner, Pence, and Olette headed straight for the ice cream parlor. Hayner stood in front of the ice cream parlor with the others and went in. Hayner ordered 4 sea salt ice and passed it on. Roxas then looked to the right and the left his gaze stayed with a girl talking to a boy. "The face seems familiar to me," thought Roxas. Olette, who was about to give Roxas the ice, looked in the direction he was watching and saw Xion and Riku. "Oh those are the two who helped us Roxas", explained Olette. Olette then gave him the ice cream and accepted the ice cream what her pence gave.

Xion looked past Riku and suddenly saw Roxas, her eyes hanging on him. Xion looked at her ice cream again and finished it. "You Riku I'll go to the clock tower okay," said Xion who had just finished with the ice. "Okey but do not go away I'll come right after", he said back. Xion got up and walked past Roxas and headed for the clock tower.

Roxas watched this girl and then looked away when she was gone. Hayner paid and then went out, the others followed him. "Let's go to the clock tower," said Pence. "Yes": the others agreed. They then went towards the clock tower. "You Roxas, what happened to you when you saw this ---- (Xion)?" Olette asked. "Who?" She asked Roxas. "The girl just ... ---- (Xion).": It comes from Olette again. However, this time again could not hear the name. "Ohhh, alright. She just seemed familiar to me ", he answers.

Xion arrived at the clock tower and went up she sat on top of the edge and looks towards the sunset but then she lowered her eyes. "What is it that makes you look so sad?" Says a voice behind her. Xion turned around and what she saw surprised her "Axel what are you doing here": she told him. "Wow thank you for the nice welcome": he said to her and sat down in his seat where Roxas would have to sit. "Out with the language Xion": said Axel to her. "Okey but before that, I have one more question": she said to him. "And that would be": Axel wants to know. "Since when can you remember me?" She asked him. "Well she just came that way but no matter what's going on Xion": he asked her. "Well it's because of Roxas": she said. "What about Roxas?" He asked her again. "He can not remember me": she answers him. This brought Axel now completely out of the concept that he could not believe now. Xion looked away from Axel and looked at the sunset. "Are you sure Xion": he asks her again. Xion just nodded and looked back to the floor.

Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Roxas arrived at the clock tower and looked up when they saw a boy and a girl sitting upstairs. "What are they doing at our place?" Said Hayner to the others. "Yes, we ask ourselves that too," said Olette and Pence out of one mouth. Roxas looked up and saw a picture in his mind.

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