Chapter 17

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{Ryan's POV}

I woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. The first thing that came to my mind was Michael.

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL!" I called out. After calling for what felt like hours, but was probably on about a minute, I still had no response. I started to cry, and was thinking about the worst possible things that could have happened to him.

"RYAN! RYAN!" I heard Michael yell from next to me.

"Michael! I'm right next to you," I said letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh thank god," I heard him practically breathe out. I scooted my chair over to the left so I could be closer to him. I heard someone grumble to my right. It sounded like a girl. Virginia maybe?

"Gina? Is that you?"

"Is this heaven?" I heard her ask. Yep. It was Virginia.

"No, you're not dead. This is what I imagine to be the complete opposite of heaven," I said straining to see when a light switched on.

After my eyes adjusted I could see everything. Virginia was on my right. Next to her was Luke. Next to him was Alex. Then Ashton, Youstina, Calum, Michael, and back to me. We were facing each other and were all tied to chairs. The legs of the chairs were all tied to each other, forming a circle.

Everyone woke up to the bright light and looked at each other while they tried to figure out where they were. As we looked, we saw the other objects in the room. There were knives, swords, whips, etc. Everyone's face fell as soon as they had appeared. Someone dropped into the middle of the circle of chairs with a thud. It was Virginia's dad.

"You may have been wondering why I brought you all here. It because in one way or another you are all close to Virginia. You also might be considering your fate. Well, let me tell you. Four of you will die tonight." Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

He smirked and continued. "I have not decided who will die yet, but I can tell you that there will be no couples left."

Michael and I looked at each other along with everyone else except for Virginia and Luke. They both knew which of them would die. Everyone did. Luke just started crying silent tears. I hope it is me who will die. I don't want Michael to die. I wouldn't be able to live without him.

"Take me," Michael said. I looked at him horrified.

"I might just take you up on that," he said chuckling. I wanted to scream but couldn't find my voice.

{Luke's POV}

No. No no no no no no no. No. They can't take her away from me. I knew it was gonna be her. No matter how much I wanted them to take me and let her live on, I knew that was not going to happen. We were going to get married. We were going to have a family. We were going to grow old together. I started to cry silent tears as I now knew this was never going to happen.

{Ashton's POV}

I wasn't sure how this was all gonna play out, but I do know one thing. I will die. I could just see it in the way her dad looked at me. I was the one dying in this couple. I decided to tell Alex.

"Find someone else," I whispered to her.

"Never," she said crying.

"Stop it!" her dad snapped.

"I have made my decision."

{Virginia's POV}

"I have made my decision. Youstina. You're up."

No. Not my best friend. I could hear Calum scream. I looked over. Tears were pouring down his face. He just kept screaming. Everyone looked down because they feared if they looked any longer, they too, would be doing that.

{Calum's POV}

Youstina. I couldn't breathe. It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach, someone yanked it out, it broke into a million little pieces, and threw them in the fire. I might as well have been dead. I screamed and never stopped.

{Youstina's POV}

In a way, I am glad it's me. I'm not happy about dying, but I am glad that Calum will get to live his life. Suddenly, an ear splitting scream filled the room. It was Calum. Tears were everywhere on his face. He was screaming and fighting the ropes. Just when I thought I couldn't take much more, I heard something that made my heart break.

"TAKE ME INSTEAD!" he screamed. Since I had been untied from the chair, I ran over to him and kissed him. After I pulled away I held his head in my hands.

"It is better that it's me," I said and pecked him one last time. He screamed again.

"NO!" They led me away from the love of my life. As I walked over to the table with the axe. Everything was racing through my mind. My last meal, my last breath, the last time I will ever kiss, hug, or love Cal. One of his henchmen held me down with my neck on a cutting board while he sharpened the axe in front of my face. My sentence was clear.

"Any last words?" he asked with sly smile.

"I love you guys. I love you, Cal. See you soon," I said smiling.

"So sweet."

That was the last thing I said and heard before my head was disconnected from my body.

{Virginia's POV}

I couldn't believe it. Everyone was too stunned to talk. We were all crying, but it was the worst for Cal. I watched as my dad cleaned the blood off his hands and his henchmen got rid of the head and body. After he finished, he walked back in the middle of the circle.

"Who shall be next. Ah. Ashton. Follow me."

{Ashton's POV}

Good. It's me. Not Alex.

{Alex POV}

No. This can't be happening. Ashton is the sweetest, kindest, most generous person I know. He hasn't done anything wrong. He doesn't deserve this.

I was pleading that I could wake up from this nightmare. I didn't want to live without Ash. I won't do what he told me. Virginia's father was about to do it. I turned my head away. I couldn't watch. Suddenly, my head was wrenched up my eyes forced to stay open. I had to watch. There was no other option. No matter which way I looked, I could still see it. I decided to get a last look at Ash's beautiful face. He mouthed to me that he loved me. Then he was gone. The love of my life was dead.

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