Chapter 6

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{Virginia's POV}

Luke said goodnight and shut the door. I put my book on my nightstand and turned off the light. I was staring at my ceiling trying to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. Then I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

----------Next Day-------------

Calum woke me up in the morning.

"Virginia. Virginia! Wake up! It's your first day and you don't want to be late," I heard right above me. I groaned and lazily opened my eyes.

"Fine. But go away so I can get dressed," I said sitting up.

"Ok. But someone will come back in in 30 minutes to make sure you're ready. Then were gonna have breakfast and we will go with you in the limo to school. Then we will pick you up at 3:00 also in the limo."


"Ok. 30 minutes. Hurry!" Calum called closing the door. I didn't really want to pull up in a limo but I knew there was no point in arguing. Since it was October, I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I also wore my bright green converse just in time for Michael to knock on my door. It wasn't a problem because I wasn't mad at him anymore.

"I'm ready," I said opening the door.

"Ok," Michael said leading me out to a McDonald's breakfast.

"Here you go," Luke said sliding me a plate of pancakes and french toast sticks with syrup.

"So you have 15 minutes to eat and get in the car. Do you have your backpack together?" Calum asked clearly worried.

"Yep. And I know you're new to this whole dad thing, but I am old enough to have my shit together."

"Right. I know. I'm sorry," Cal said bustling around with something else. I had to chuckle at that.

"Schedule?" Ash asked.

"Yep. I have everything together. Trust me," I said taking a sip of apple juice. 15 minutes later I finished my breakfast had my backpack and was in the limo with everyone else. 10 minutes later we pulled up to the school.

"Ok. You ready?" Mark asked.

"Yep," I said getting out of the car. The school was called Pentavian County Academy aka PCA. Don't ask me why. It was a really preppy all girls school, so it wasn't too weird that I pulled up in a limo. "Bye guys," I called to the open window.

I walked in and automatically knew it was gonna be horrible. I saw these super fake girls and later found out that they were the ruling clique. The alpha was Maddie, and the betas were Alissa, Kate, Dylan, and Carmen.

Despite what I thought about the school, I did make some friends. Their names were Seneca and some of her friends, along with Anne and some of her friends. My schedule was this:

8:30-8:35 Homeroom Mrs. Gadal

8:35-9:15 Study Hall

9:15-10:15 1st Period Science Mrs. Gadal

10:15-11:15 2nd Period English Ms. Dixe

11:15-11:55 Art

11:55-12:15 Lunch

12:15-1:15 3rd Period Social Studies Mrs. Bram

1:15-2:15 4th Period Math Mr. McMann

2:15-2:55 5th period Spanish Senora Keenan

2:55-3:00 Homeroom Mrs. Gadal

That was a pretty normal schedule and I didn't hate it. My teachers were nice but not Mrs. Gadal and Senora Keenan.

It was the end of the day and I said I would give Seneca a ride. She was still at her locker and I could see the limo outside.

"Come on!" I whined.

"I'm almost done!" she said grabbing papers and stuffing them in her backpack. After what felt like hours she slammed her locker. We got outside and she stopped to fix her backpack.

"Come on!" I whined pulling her arm.

"Alright!" We ran up to the open limo door and I threw my backpack in and jumped in. Seneca did the same.

"I'm assuming your first day went well," Luke said from right next to me.

"Yes it did," I said smiling.

"Care to introduce us?" Ash asked looking at Seneca.

"Oh yeah. Seneca this is Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Joe the driver. Guys this is Seneca," I said pointing to everyone. "Calum is my foster father and everyone else just hangs around," I explained to Seneca.

"So we were gonna go to my room and hang out. Also I was hoping she could sleepover," I said with a pleading smile.

"Well she is gonna have to ask her parents, but I'm ok with it," Cal decided.

"Yes!!" I exclaimed doing a fist pump and Seneca and I gave each other high-fives.

"Seneca. We could drop you off at your house so you can ask your parents and pack your things," Joe said from the front seat.

"Ok. Thank you!!" Seneca said with a huge smile. On the way to her house, she and I talked about school because we have the same teachers. We both agreed that Mrs. Gadal and Senora Keenan should not be allowed to teach.

10 minutes later we pulled up to her house and I realized that she lived really close to us. She went in and a few minutes later she came back with bag.

"They said yes!!" Seneca said jumping back in the limo and gave each other high-fives again. We talked all the way back. When we got there we got out of the limo.

"Home sweet home," I said handing Seneca her backpack.

"It is really nice," she said admiringly.

"Thanks." I said with a smile while leading her in. While everyone was outside we looted the kitchen for snacks and ran upstairs. We got changed into our pajamas and got started on our homework.

------------2 1/2 hours later-------------------

"What did you get for number 20?" I asked Seneca as I stuffed a marshmallow in my mouth.

"Oí." she answered writing it in. We were doing homework for Senora Keenan and it was a fill in the blank with Spanish words. It was the last subject we had to do. There was a surprising amount of homework for the first day.

"Done!" we said dropping our pencils on our binders.

"Spanish is brutal!" Seneca said flopping on her stomach.

"Sí." I said doing the same.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure," she responded popping in Clueless. I turned off the lights and we sat on my bed to watch. We ate Pop Tarts and popcorn while laughing at a million things that weren't even funny. We watched two other movies and fell asleep during our thrid.

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