Chapter 9

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I tried to put more drama in this but it doesn't come for awhile

{Luke's POV}

I can't believe it. I kissed her. It just happened. Before I could I even think about it. She just leaned in and so did I. But I can't say I didn't like it. When we pulled apart we looked at each other and smiled. Then we did it again. I can't go into detail. We were there for a while.

{Ashton's POV}

I hope Luke took my warning. I meant it. I loved Virginia like a sister. I felt it my duty to protect her. I decided to ask Calum what he thought of this.

"Hey Cal. I have some information from my secret agents. What would you think of Virginia dating?" I asked him my heart racing.

"What do you mean?"

"Like if Virginia were to date someone would you approve?"

"No. She is still a girl and needs time to grow up."

"Ok," I said starting to walk away.

"Wait. Is there something you know that I don't?"

"Well I know that someone has a crush on her and she likes him back and she wanted to know if you would approve before she thought about dating him," I said quickly thinking of a lie.

"Ok." he said walking away. I took a silent breath of relief that he bought it and went to the issue at hand. I know Luke and I know he probably already asked her out. And if I know Virginia then she said yes. And if I know the both of them they already kissed. Luke was in deep shit.

{Virginia's POV}

After our make out session he told me when our first date was.

"Tomorrow be ready at 8:00 pm."

"Where are we going?" I asked smiling.

"Secret," he said grinning with pleasure. I just glared at him but gave in to his cuteness.

"Fine. Dress code?" I asked desperate for some info.

"Dressy casual," he said getting up and pecking me on the lips. I couldn't stop smiling. Then Ash came in and interrupted my beautiful thoughts.

"What?" I asked not meaning to snap so much.

"You guys are in deep shit," he said sitting down with a worried look on his face.

"Guys?" I asked confused.

"You and Luke are dating and you kissed right?"

"So why are we in deep shit?" I asked kinda mad that Ash knew me so well.

"I asked Cal if you would be allowed to date and he said no."

"We are in trouble then," I said sighing.

"So now we need to figure out how to sneak you out for your date tomorrow," he said turning away to figure something out. I just glared at him.

"Speaking of, I need you to help me pick out an outfit."

"Dress code?"

"Dressy casual," I said running a hand through my hair.

"MICHAEL!" Ash yelled opening my closet.

"Yeah," Michael said from my doorway.

"Close the door," I said. He walked in and shut the door behind him confused.

"I need your help to pick out an outfit for Virginia's date with Luke tomorrow. But Cal doesn't approve of Virginia dating so he can't know about this," Ash said searching through my clothes with a weird face.

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