Chapter 16

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{Michael's POV}

I was at the pier with Ryan and it was going great. Although we did have to leave soon for the concert. We went on many rides and just talked.

"Hey Ry," I said as we were walking along hand in hand.


"We should get going for the concert."

"Alright," she sighed and we turned around to get to the car. As we got nearer I saw two people looking in the car. They seemed kind of sketchy and when they saw us, they ran. I didn't think Ryan saw so I thought it best not to worry her.

When we drove back to the house we walked in and Ash and Alex were jumping around. Cal and Youstina were starring at them weirdly.

"Ok. Who gave them so much sugar? They are already way too energetic."

"I really don't know. Just before you guys got here they ran down the stairs screaming then they started jumping and screaming," I said. Then Luke and Virginia came in with the biggest smiles known to man.

"Am I the only one who has no idea as to what is going on?" I asked looking around. Cal, Youstina, and Ryan raised their hands.

"Ok seriously. What is going on?"

{Ryan's POV}

"Ok, seriously, what is going on?" Michael asked.

"I'm a little tired," Virginia said yawning and covering her mouth. I saw something glistening

"OH MY GOSH VIRGINIA! YOU'RE ENGAGED!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Yeah," she said beaming.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed bringing Luke and Virginia into a huge bear hug. Everyone was so happy.

{Virginia's POV}

Everyone was congratulating us. It was a lot of fun, but Luke and I got tired so we went up to bed. I went into the bathroom to change.

You know that fear that when you get in the bathroom there will be a murderer behind the shower curtain? I always have that fear so I went to check, and my mother and father were there.

"You won't get away this time bitch," my father whispered. Then all I saw was black.

{Luke's POV}

I was all ready for bed and waiting for Virginia when I thought I heard a sound that worried me. When I ran in, I saw her parents and a knocked out Virginia on the floor.

"Don't worry. You will be coming with her," her mother said. Then black.

{Ashton's POV}

Suddenly, all I saw was black.

{Calum's POV}

Pain shot through the back of my head, and then black.

{Michael's POV}

First spots in my vision, then black.

{Ryan's POV}

I screamed when I saw Michael on the floor. Then, all I could see was black.

{Youstina's POV}


{Alex's POV}


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