Chapter 12

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{Virginia's POV}

It has been a week since all the drama and it was the morning of my first gig. Naturally, I woke up to Ash jumping on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked in my weird morning voice.

"It's 1:12 pm. Wake up and have breakfast. Then we have to go to the venue where the gig is tonight."

"Moo. Fine," I said rolling out of bed and stumbling like a drunk to my door. I walked into the kitchen finally waking up and seeing Cal and Luke already up.

"Hey Virginia," Luke said pecking me on the cheek.

"GET A ROOM!" Michael yelled from behind us. I just glared at him.

"No. Don't get a room." Calum said putting toast with some weird brownish black crap on it.

"What is that weird crap on the toast?" I asked with disgusted face. Everyone gasped.

"IT IS NOT CRAP!" Ash yelled defensively with a shocked face.

"It's Vegemite," Luke said with a hand on his heart.

"Oh right. I'm so sorry," I said sarcastically.

"Ok. I can't stand to see your face. Come back when you are ready to apologize!" Ashton said dramatically. I went to all of them and playfully smacked them on the face. Then, I went to one of the pieces of toast and took a bite. It was so disgusting that I went and spit it up.

"This is tastes like meat with way too much salt," I said looking at the jar, disgusted.

"At least you tried it. But have a Pop Tart or something and get dressed because we have to leave soon," Luke said. I followed his directions and shoved an Ice Cream Shopee one in my mouth and ran up stairs. I didn't care what I wore because the stylist would just put me in something different anyway.

"Come on Virginia!" Cal called up the stairs. I ran down the stairs and climbed into the van to go to the venue. When we got their they introduced me to their stylist Kylie.

"I knew you shouldn't pick out your outfit. Come sit, darling," she said leading me over to a makeup table. After looking at her equipment on her table for awhile, she decided to curl my hair. "So what will happen is you will come out, sing your songs, and leave."

"Ok," I said kind of awkwardly. I didn't really know this lady and here she was, acting like she knew me. The whole time she was wroking on me she was talking about how she began to work with the guys and what it has been like.

"Done," she said after a couple minutes of nonsense gossip. "Now, some dark red lipstick," she said walking in front of me and putting what looked like paint on my lips. When she finished, she stepped back and handed me my outfit. "Ok. Now, here is your outfit. There is the bathroom over there. Hurry up." I nodded and walked into the bathroom. She had given me a white Blink-182 t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black heeled boots. I put it on and walked out.

"How do I look?" I asked. Everyone mouths dropped and Luke came forward.

"Sexy," he whispered in my ear then pecked my cheeks.

"Ok that's enough, Handsy," Calum said. "You are about to go on. And yeah. We have a surprise for you," he said stepping to the side.

"Youstina! Alex!" I screamed running towards them.

"Hey Gina!" they exclaimed while hugging me.

"I haven't seen you guys in forever. Where have you been?"

"We went back to Egypt for my mom's birthday," Youstina said with a smile.

"How was?"

"It was good. But we came to watch the show, hang out, and gossip about you and Luke," Alex said.

"So much to tell."

"Hate break up this reunion but we going on now so you should get ready," Michael said.

"Ok. Come on guys. You guys can come and watch side stage."

"That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!" they screamed at the same time.

"Ok come on." I said grabbing their hands. Someone handed me a microphone as I stopped at the edge of the stage. The boys sang "18" and "Mrs. All American".

"Now it is time for a new addition to our performance," Michael said.

"Here is my beautiful girlfriend, Virginia!!!!" Luke screamed into the mic. I took a deep breath as Tina and Al gave my arms reassuring squeezes. Then, I walked out on stage to a lot of screams.

"Hi guys!!" I said into my mic as Luke put his arm around my waist. "So I'm Virginia and I'm gonna sing "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood and "I'm Just A Kid" by Simple Plan." I said to more cheering. The boys started playing and I just sang my heart out. After I finished "Before He Cheats" there was about 2 seconds of quiet before the arena burst into cheers. I felt my eyes watering. Someone even threw a teddy bear at me. I loved it. I never thought I'd get such a big reaction. Then I sang "I'm Just A Kid" and it got an even bigger reaction.

"Wow guys!!!" Thanks for being such a fantastic audience!!! Now I'll hand it back to the boys!!" I said about to walk off when the whole arena just started chanting "encore". I just looked at the boys and they smiled.

"What song?" Luke asked. I thought about what I had in my back pocket.

"I guess "Let It Go" by Demi Lovato," I responded with a shrug.

"Well well well," I somehow heard over the noise. It made me stop in the middle of the song and the arena got very quiet.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked me.

"It's my parents. They're out of jail."

Fostered by 5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS Fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara