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// micheal and jamell storyline //
micheal sat in his dressing room glancing at his face and back at his phone, he had reccently gotten a message from his mother who told him that jamell was spotted with some girl.

micheal wouldn't have minded since he had friends but this girl was extremely pretty, she had the butt, the hair, the boobs, even the face that would take anyone's man.

and now here was micheal crying in his dressing room like the big baby he was, he hated crying since he always complained how makeup takes so long to do but either ends up crying it off and just taking it off.

his phone buzzed and he saw that he had 47 missed calls from jamell, any other time he'd pick it up and respond but he only locked his phone and pressed his head against the pink wooden desk.

"why? why do i always fall so hard.." he sniffed. soon he heard the fast knock beat that jamell always did to notify that it was him.

"go away!" micheal bellowed out, it came out more like a sob and jamell's face scrunched up.

he pulled on the door knob which micheal could hear and started banging on the door.

"open the fuck up micheal!" he growled, usually at anytime micheal would have immediately opened up but today he felt bold.


it was silent for awhile, micheal opened the door to reveal a hurt jamell. his eyes had glossed over and his bottom lip was quivering.

micheal reached out but jamell only slapped his hand away, "fuck off of me micheal."

the door slammed and micheal stood there confused at how this situation turned onto him, him and jamell had to perform next but micheal felt confused but also sad.

jamell was outside smoking a blunt while he rubbed the hot tears out of his eyes, he loved micheal deeply and never found himself ever crying over a nigga.

micheal walked outside and saw jamell sitting on the steps, he sat down next to him a little bit too hard because he let out an oof from how hard his ass hit the ground.

"jamell can we please talk?" jamell ashed his blunt and looked up at micheal.

"what the hell do you want? you say you don't want me.." he didn't even realize he was clenching onto the bar until micheal gasped.

just him gripping the metal bar caused it to break in his hands, jamell felt his breathing start to speed up and his vision was turning blurry.

"melly?" micheal said just above a whisper trying to get closer to him only to have jamell try and push him away slightly.

"b-back up slime, i-i can't... m-melvin." his eyes soon became darker and he grinned at micheal who now was fixing to run away.

fuck the show, micheal spun on his heels and did the race to make it back to the safety of his dressing room. melvin was actually fast... superhuman fast.

micheal was usually very clumsy but now he ran around racks of clothes and avoided doors that opened in front of him. melvin was laughing all the way as he chased after micheal.

"l-leave me alone!" he cried out as he finally ran into his dressing room slamming the door and locking it.

he sighed and sat on the couch out of breath. melvin was on the other side and everyone who walked past avoided him.

he laughed, micheal really thought a door could stop him. he slammed his fist through the door and micheal let out a girly scream as he rushed to find another exit of some sort.

micheal finally found something and bent over only to be yanked up by melvin. micheal felt not only his face becoming wet but also his core as he clenched his legs together.

"you'll learn your lesson one day micheal, that day is today." micheal could see jamell flash back for one second but melvin fully took over again.

micheal mumbles to himself, "pray for my legs."

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