Pride Day #8

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Day #8-Now I don't think I can talk about just one friend here so I'm just gonna talk generally about my friend group

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Day #8-Now I don't think I can talk about just one friend here so I'm just gonna talk generally about my friend group. Now I have a total of about 5-6 people that I consider my best friends. These people are really important to me because they are literally some of the only friends I have. They have helped me laugh when I felt like I couldn't and opened my eyes to a new perspective. They are some of the best people in the world. 

Recommendation for the day is the show Everything Sucks! You can watch it on Netflix. "The series is set in the real-life town of in 1996 and focuses on a group of teenagers who attend the fictional Boring High School as they proceed to make a movie together while dealing with issues such as finding their sexualities, mental health, and growing up." -Wikipedia

Bye Lovelies

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Bye Lovelies

Sincerely, Quinn

P.S. I'm going to see Endgame tomorrow and I'm excited/nervous. I'm gonna cry.

P.P.S. You know that Trans/Non-binary thing where you haven't heard your birth name for a while (because you refer to yourself as your real name) and suddenly you hear your birth name and it's kinda jarring for a few seconds. It's just been something I've been thinking about recently.

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