I've Been TAGGED

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@AlexTheWeirdEmoKid TAGGED me

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@AlexTheWeirdEmoKid TAGGED me

I don't know if this is the third day or not but I'm doing it anyway.

1. I'm not vegan or vegetarian, I eat meat. Though not so often anymore, I've cut back on eating so much meat in one day.

2. I'm a HUGE book nerd, I love books. (I'm reading The Mark Of Athena right now)

3. I now have an Instagram account now Username: topblurryface119

4. I got a new phone and I absolutely love it.

5. Tomorrow through the rest of July and a little bit of August I won't be in the state I live in.

6. I am a complete sucker for Greek Mythology.

7. Dr. Pepper is my favorite soda.

8. I like anime. I like Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, etc.

9. I love Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At the Disco 

10. This may sound really emo but I love to wear black clothes

-I don't know 28 people on here so I'll tag anyone who reads this

-You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish

-I don't have another story that I'm working on so yeah but I might make a book of my drawings if anyone would like that?

Goodbye anyone who is reading this 

Sincerely, River

P.S. HOLY CRAP, 200 READS?!?!?! This is absolute insanity anyway, Thank you guys for reading this book. I know I don't get as much reads as some other really cool people but I will still appreciate every single read I get.

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