Pride day #6

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Hey look I'm on track again!

Day #6- The first person I met in the LGBTQ+ I do not remember but I do remember reading @i_robbied_the_bankie 's book and just feeling relief because some of the things he has gone through resonated with me and even made me question who I thought...

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Day #6- The first person I met in the LGBTQ+ I do not remember but I do remember reading @i_robbied_the_bankie 's book and just feeling relief because some of the things he has gone through resonated with me and even made me question who I thought I was.

Recommendation for the day is an Amazon Prime Show/Book. I know some of you will not have Amazon Prime and that's okay because it's an adaption of a book. This Amazon Prime series/Book is called Good Omens. I can't speak for the book quite yet because I have not yet read it but the show is amazing and I am totally obsessed. Now some may say this show is queer-baiting but it's more queer-coding than anything. You might not know that difference so here is an article about it- Queerbaiting Vs. Queercoding: Detective Edition by Mary Kate McAlpine on Medium. (Links aren't working for me for some reason.) Also, both of the actors and the writers have said that they're in love. (Update: I completely forgot to put the description for this in so I'm gonna do it now) "An angel and a demon must join forces to find a way to save the world as the end of time grows near with the approaching Armageddon." -Google

" -Google

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Bye Lovelies

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Bye Lovelies

Sincerely, Quinn

I am Non- Binary, Yes I Fucking existWhere stories live. Discover now