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My substitute math teacher was a bitch, and we had to take a test with her, I fucking hate this person. This is why. 

Okay so we had this teacher first in science on Tuesday, I didn't know what to think, she had been going in on the other people for literally doing nothing, except doing our work and maybe a little talking. (She didn't go in on me, I just did my work because at school I am considered a good kid and I kind of am). 

Then we had her again the next day for Social Studies (there are a lot of teacher absences at the end of the year) and OH MY GOD, that is when her true colors were shown. She kept on telling us to watch the movie and stuff but it was in a quiet voice, so we couldn't hear here and then she got mad at us about it, like what? It's not our problem that you can't control a class. 

Then came around to lunch/recess (in my middle school we get to go outside for about 15 minutes each day, considered recess) and I was walking around with my friends and one of them said in science yesterday this teacher was being creepy. She said she was being creepy because she was done with her work and she was playing on her phone (because when you are done with your work you get freetime) and the teacher came up behind her and asked her if she needed help with her work. Yeah so she said it was really creepy. 

Then comes around to today. This sub was supposed to sub for Science today but since our Math Teacher was also out today she subbed for Math instead. When the bell rang she came into the room and just stood there and tried to get our attention but couldn't because she could not control a classroom to save her life. When we finally did quiet down she said she was going to assign (because the seats were all messed up) us seats by alphabetical order of last name (I hated the people by me by the way). Before that we were already seated down in the places we wanted because she didn't say anything about the seating or anything. When she finished she started explaining to us what to do on this test (Put our names, etc), even though we already knew full well what to do. She handed out the test with our names on it and everything (because we were the Advanced class and we got the opportunity to get one more day ahead of the other classes) and not really anything happened after that.  

Anyways, Bye bye 

Sincerely, Someone

P.S. Pink Diamond's design is awesome isn't it?

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