Schools Great (Note, Sarcasm)

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So I'm not going to be updating as frequent because school started and it's going to be a busy year. Maybe four times a month maybe less. Here is all the reasons why.

-I am taking three advanced classes 

-One of these is Advanced Orchestra/Band so yeah

-I am doing Volleyball again 

-I am going to be in the school play

-I may be doing Softball but probably not

-Girl Scouts (Honestly I'm only doing this because it's really good for college)

-My to be read pile is piling up 

So that's mostly it. I will try to update between all this stuff that's going. 


I am also thinking of doing something really big for 500 reads, maybe a face reveal. Maybe, maybe not. 

Okay this is random but Imma say it anyway. 

I love when Queer people are so sure of themselves. Yes we need the questioning stories about them questioning who they are but I love a good character that is confident in their queerness. I thought about this because at the moment I am reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. 

How come nobody told me about this book, IT IS SO GOOD. 

Also just a reminder, Trans girls can be as masculine or feminine as they want, this goes for Trans guys and Non-binary people too. 

Anyways bye lovely people

Sincerely, River

P.S. Sorry this was all over the place, my thoughts are all over the place.

I am Non- Binary, Yes I Fucking existWhere stories live. Discover now