ten. - under shitty library lighting

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MONDAY. November 27th — forks high school

"I don't get why you're making such a big deal out of this Ezra, I don't see a problem with it." Angela Weber attempted to calm down her very high strung best friend who was currently pacing the length of her bedroom, hnds waving frantically as he retold the events that occurred directly following his first period. Angela was sitting on the bed, head leaning against a fluffy white pillow and purple binder lying open on her comforter, forgotten the moment Ezra stood, apparently needing to get out the pent up energy he was holding in.

"This is such a big deal Ang." The blond replied, and though it was meant to come off as biting Ezra was vaguely embarrassed to note it sounded more whiny than anything. "I don't need a history tutor, and I definitely don't need Cullen to be the one to do it."

"Hale." Angela corrected, before sighing and looking apologetic at Ezra's betrayed face that was just to pouty to not melt the Weber girl's heart. She pat the bed space besides her and Ezra took it, arranging pillows to get himself more comfortable before looking up and the black haired girl continued. "Listen E, I think this could be good for you, don't give me that face. While I know being tutored isn't really Ezra Newton's speed if this helps you, and I think it will, it will be just what you need. Plus from what I hear Jasper Hale is super smart, but he's quiet so it's not like you'll be chatting about things non history related. Give it a chance, and if you hate it we can talk to your teacher and I'll see if I can tutor you myself."

Ezra let out a breath he hadn't really realized he was holding, molding into the plush mound of pillows and nodding, giving into Angela easily as he felt tension leave him. "Okay."

"Good." Angela chirped, smiling happily and nudging him in the shoulder. "Now why don't you tell me why you're really panicking, and don't say because you don't like the idea of being tutored."

Ezra froze for a moment, panic renewed and heart racing. This had been what Ezr had feared, the unknown of what Ezra was feelin to begin with making it impossible to tell even his closest of friends. Whatever was happening with Jasper Hale, whatever spell the other had put on him, was one that he did not want to talk about. He wanted to hide it, to keep the fire that had started to burn within him so tightly coiled in his chest that eventually there would be no oxygen to keep the flame alive and the burn (the feelings, oh the feelings) would die out with the flame.

After a moment he forced calmness through his body, limbs untensing and words flowing out of his mouth in a manner Ezra thought of as awkward and forced, while he hoped Angela wouldn't catch the lie.

"It's just, I don't want to be around those freaks." Ezra mumbled, the words getting stuck in his throat on the way out as pale, long fingers toyed idly at a loose string on a pillow, winding it around his forefinger over and over again. Angela scoffed at his answer, no doubt rolling her eyes though Ezra didn't look up to check.

"Don't be so prejudice Ezra, the Cullen's have done nothing mean spirited, just because they're not interested in being your best friend doesn't make them freaks." Angela tsked, picking up her binder and getting back to work.

Ezra knew this, he did. He honestly couldn't care less about most of the Cullens. Sure Alice was nice enough, if a little weird, and yes Rosalie was the hottest girl he had ever laid eyes on, but Ezra had also laid eyes (and hands) on many pretty girls that actually wanted his attention. Ezra thought the Cullen's were weird, but Ezra also thought Tyler and Eric were really fucking weird, and he didn't hate them.

No, it was not the Cullens as an ideal, the beautiful outsiders, to good to befriend the small kind hearted down they had moved to, to alien to conform to the small town ways and instead stood apart from the masses that pooled at their feet, hungrily waiting to engulf them. Ezra did not like them for being different, Ezra hated Jasper Hale for making him feel weak, but he certainly wasn't ready to tell anyone that.

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