four. - landed in the mud

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MONDAY. october 23rd — forks high school

FOOTBALL was one of the few things that Ezra Newton was absolutely sure about. He knew he was good, he knew he loved the sport, and he knew that it was a great way of getting rid of pent up aggression. So when the blond haired wide receiver took to the practice field with some extra vigor, all coach Donovan has done was pat him on the back and make a point to tell the whole team that his 'dedication to the team' was exactly what everyone else should aspire to be. Most everyone just rolled their eyes, already used to the high praise Ezra got from coaches since he joined the team freshman year and could already outdo any wide receiver on the team.

Football was the one thing that Ezra could use to take his mind off of anything. It was like a switch flipped in his brain and all of a sudden he didn't care about the big test next week, or his current status at the school, or about the future he had no what to do with. The switch flipped and all he could think about was scoring a touchdown and winning the game for his team, for him.

So Ezra Newton had switched his flip and was absolutely destroying the competition that was being held as a mock game by the coach. He was running smoother than Jesus walked on water and as he turned to check and see just how far back the other team was he caught a glimpse of honey hair out of the corner of his eye and Ezra Newton tripped over the air and landed ass first in the mud. He could hear the howls of laughter from his approaching teammates, and the hoarse yelling of was the near impossible golden eyes that seemed to appear and disappear into thin air at the edge of the woods.

MONDAY. october 23rd — newton household

EZRA would proudly admit it to anyone who asked that his mother was the best cook in the entire universe. Sure she could only make three things, but those three things were so damn good that Ezra would gladly ask for them to be served as his last meal. Currently they were having a personal favorite of his, homemade pizza with garlic knots that tasted like what he thought clouds would.

He and his family very rarely had dinner together. With Ezra having practice and the emotional hardships of being a teenager, his mother's own irregular schedule as a nurse, and his father pitching in for the morning shift at the store, the three Newtons didn't exactly spend a lot of family time together for no reason other than to be in each other's company.

His parents were talking about some business adventure the store might take, and Ezra has zoned out the second his father started talking numbers. Sure he had started working at Newton's Olympic Outfitters last year on weekends and over summers, but that didn't mean he had any desire to go deeper into the family business.

The conversation soon fell into the one Ezra had been dreading.

"So Ez I was talking to Doctor Cullen and he said that his kids were starting school today, how do you think they're adjusting?" His mother asked casually after she finished her piece of pizza.

"Well I guess." Ezra replied noncommittally with a shrug, his eyes finding the wall above his mother's head and finding it much more interesting then her eyes.

"Well I know how hard it can be for new kids, especially in such a small town. I know I worried about you and Mike when we first moved here. Promise me you'll be nice to them E."

Ezra internally cringed and nodded uncertainly, wishing that his mother wasn't so caring and motherly to strangers. "Sure Mom, whatever you say."

TUESDAY. october 24th — forks high school

IF there was one thing that Ezra was hesitant about, it was walking into first period the day after the Cullen's joined them in school. He hid it well, grinned at the right people, displayed the cocky demeanor that was right on par with something the most popular boy in school should show, but walking into class right as the bell rang and seeing honey hair in the seat that before yesterday was empty sent a spike in his heart beat. Ezra dutifully kept his eyes down, sending nods to Austin and a teammate of his that sat two rows over.

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