seven. - and the gay panic begins

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MONDAY. november 6th — forks high school.

EZRA had to be overthinking it. It had to have just been the hormones and adrenaline from the game that night, and the overall high of winning the championships. Ezra Newton most definitely did not blush because of Jasper Hale. The very notion was ridiculous, impossible even.

Ezra wasn't gay. He had never even looked at another guy. He always watched the girl during porn, always got off to the image their of round breasts and the softness between their thighs. He wasn't gay, he played football and was popular and had no desire to wear makeup and get fucked by beefy guys that wore cowboy boots.

It was all probably just a natural reaction. A freak incident that could easily be forgotten once he walked into history and saw Jasper Hale acting as strange as ever. If Ezra ever made it out of his car that is.

The male had been sitting in the no longer heated jeep since it pulled up, making some excuse that he needed to grab something from the trunk so he wouldn't have to associate with his friends, and could have his gay panic attack in the safety of his own vehicle.

He took a deep breath, pictured the way Lauren moaned prettily when she came, and breathed out. His fingers tapped on the steering wheel and he knew that if he looked down at his hands they would no doubt be a pale white color from the strength at which he was gripping it. His ears strained to hear the sound of the first bell ringing and Ezra groaned aloud, his head harshly hitting the head rest and his eyes squeezing shut. He took a few deep breaths, before quickly grabbing his bag and leaving the jeep, knowing that if he didn't make the split second decision to enter school he'd no doubt drive home going ifty over the speed limit and spend a solid month avoiding history.

There was no reason to even be nervous, Ezra knew that. He knew that he would just walk into history class and listen to Jensen's boring lectures about the civil war and try not to stab himself out of boredom and spend the whole period thinking about how strange Jasper Hale was.

He walked down the nearly vacant hallway, without much of a rush, the tardy bell having already rung and Ezra knew the teacher would most likely let it slide and mutter some congratulations on winning the big game.

As he neared the history classroom Ezra could hear his pulse racing in his ear and vaguely wondered if that was normal or if he had just hit his head while playing and hadn't realized it. Could concussions make you momentarily gay? Ezra really should have paid more attention in health class.

Breathing deeply the blond boy put on the smirk he was so well known for and sent the teacher a cheeky grin when he got waved into the classroom with a grumbled "Good of you to join us Mr. Newton, if only you put as much effort into history as you did getting here on time."

"Sorry." Ezra mumbled and went to take his seat, looking everywhere other then the seat next to his own as he dumped his bag on the ground and sat in his seat with the clumsy thud, running a hand that was definitely not slightly sweaty through his short blond hair anxiously.

He could do this, he could just avoid Jasper Hale for the rest of his life and after a few decades his sexuality crisis would slowly dissipate. That's how it worked, wasn't it? He would be fine, he could do this.

"Hey darlin', you doing alright." Jasper asks with that accent that sounded as smooth as honey and so undeniably h–

"Uh Mr. Jensen I think i'm having a migraine, I'm going to the clinic." Ezra stated very suddenly because he most definitely was a coward who could not handle Jasper Hale and practically jumped from his seat to get out of the room as fast as humanly possible.

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