24 | The final days of Bob

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(Not/ Is (it's in between both) the actual ending, something I want for a little transition to the next book.)

Future Lizzy here, I don't know where it is.

A month passed and Saiko gained more and more popularity. But soon enough she called quits because of the writing process, the views did add up to a lot. 1.4 million as of this day. She was surprised certainly, like any person would be. But, she had to cut the cord, Friends more than fame, and she didn't wanna become Bob. Currently, everyone was in the main room, chilling out, most are asleep since it was currently 10 PM. Honestly, who does go to sleep at this time?
Mario, Bowser, Tari, And Meggy were the only ones up at this time. SMG4, (Y/N), Luigi, and Saiko were the ones who were asleep. The 4 who were awake were watching TV, well, they did t even know what they were watching, honestly. It was probably some spaghetti or video game competition. Around the time Midnight pulled around, everyone fell into a slumber.

Meanwhile, Bob was plummeting around the Mushroom Kingdom city, his head down, while the night sky above showed a beautiful scene of stars shining. He kept thinking of how much he screwed up, but it didn't get to him as much as it should. Bob found himself a dumpster and called it his home for the night, sleeping away in peace as his thoughts surrounded him.
Morning came as Bob woke up to a sudden pull, coming close to him. It was a shaking more the less, a shaking that was most likely trying to awake him. Nonetheless, he lifted up the lid to his proclaimed home and there stood someone. Someone small and cute looking, with a small little flyer in their hands. Bob took the flier from the persons hands and read the paper.

'ᵀᴬᴸᴱᴺᵀ ˢᴴᴼᵂ!!'
'ᵀᴼᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ ᴼᴺᴸᵞ ᴬᵀ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᵁˢᴴᴿᴼᴼᴹ ᴷᴵᴺᴳᴰᴼᴹ ᴹᴬᴸᴸ! ᴮᴿᴵᴺᴳ ᴬᴺᵞᵀᴴᴵᴺᴳ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴺᴱᴱᴰ ᴬˢ ᴵᵀ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴺᴼᵀ ᴮᴱ ᴾᴿᴼᵛᴵᴰᴱᴰ. ᵀᴴᴬᴺᴷ ᵞᴼᵁ!'

Bob read it once and twice, and even more times till when he was gonna look back at the small figure, they disappeared. Bob wondered where they went before getting out of his disposal bin. "ƳЄƧ! Ɩ ƧӇƛԼԼ ƓƠ ƬƠ ƬӇЄ ƬƛԼЄƝƬ ƧӇƠƜ! ƛƝƊ Ɩ ӇƛƔЄ ƬӇЄ ƤЄƦƑЄƇƬ ƖƊЄƛ ƠƝ ƜӇƛƬ ƬƠ ƊƠ." Bob exclaimed to himself before running off somewhere. Probably to a peak or cliff to practice on his own without anyone's consent.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, everyone had their job to be doing. Toad was hanging out around the doors of the castle, Peach was supposed to be taking Princess classes but decided to go out shopping at the MK clothing centre. Saiko, Tari, and Meggy were having a video game mini tourney, and (Y/N)... well, (Y/N) didn't really know what to do. Since they couldn't find anything productive to do, they just watched the Mini Video Game tourney while eating some snacks. SMG4, however, was not making videos or browsing some memes, he was frolicking. Yes. Frolicking. He was frolicking through the fields with Mario. They both needed some sort of fresh air and wanted to prepare for the Talent Show that was happening later in the day. So that's what their talent was. They knew that they weren't going to win.
Oh, who am I kidding, of course they were determined to win with the stupidest idea they could possibly imagine!
"We're gonna won this talent show, SMG4! I can feel it." Mario shouted as SMG4 sighed deeply. "This has got to be one of the stupidest ideas you have ever came up with." 4 commented. Mario laughed. "Are you kidding? This is one of the best ideas yet!"
"I'm not positive, but... yeah no. You can do this dumb idea, I'm out." SMG4 then walked away from the situation at hand. Mario tolled his eyes. "I'm so gonna win this talent show!" He muttered to himself as he kept practicing and practicing on his own.
Meanwhile, SMG4 walked back to the castle, going over to the tourney first.
"So... who's winning?" He asked. "Tari is in first, Meggy's tied with Saiko in second. This is final round before Tie-breaker." (Y/N) replied, to which SMG4 nodded. He sat down beside (Y/N) and started to cuddle them, but not too showy, so (Y/N) doesn't get suspicious.
After a while, an ad popped up in the middle of the tourney. "What's this?" Tari asked. "It's an ad... duh." Saiko sarcastically replied. "No duh." SMG4 sighed. "What's the ad even for?" Meggy looked closely at the pop-up. "It's an ad for that's talent show, again." She sighed. "Aren't you doing the talent show, SMG4?" (Y/N) asked.
"I was, but I didn't want to do it with Mario anymore. It was a stupid idea." SMG4 replied, shaking his head lowly. "What even were you doing?" Meggy asked. "If it's that stupid, I'm surprised you didn't punch him." Saiko added.

"It was just spinning in circles." SMG4 grunted, as the 4 blinked. "Excuse me?" Tari asked, quietly. "We span in circles." SMG4 repeated. The 4 looked at each other, not in worry, but more in confusion. "What do you mean 'We span in circles'? Was that your entry??" (Y/N) snapped. "YES! For crying out loud! Our entry was to spin in a circle as fast as we can!" SMG4 thundered, before slouching.
"Damn." Saiko muttered. "Mario must be on drugs." The three girls stayed quiet before going back to the tourney. (Y/N) sighed. "That entry would fall fast." SMG4 nodded. "That's why I left." "Which was a good call." (Y/N) added.

Bob practiced his Talent for a long time. He, by now, was in an alleyway with the poster hung up on the wall with something holding it up. Bob sighed deeply from sweat. "ƜӇƛƬ ƬƖMЄ ƖƧ ƖƬ?" He asked to no one in particular, but someone answered. "7 PM." Bob grabbed the paper, and started leaving the alleyway he was practicing. "ƬƖMЄ ӇЄƛƊ ƬƠ ƬӇЄ ƬӇЄ MƛԼԼ!" He exclaims, as he makes his way down towards Mushroom Kingdom plaza.
By the time Bob got there, it was his turn to preform, well, sort of. "And now, for Mario's talent!" Mario exclaimed, as he started spinning in circles. Almost everyone was unamused. After 2 minutes, Mario stopped, and only 1 person was clapping, his brother. Mario cheekily smiled and went off the stage as Bob went on. Not to his surprise, Bob got some boos, but one caught his attention: Boopkins. Bob took a deep breath and began his talent. It started off with some Boos, but when people heard it, they listened, and so did Boopkins.
After he was done, nobody responded, well, all for one but you guess who did. Boopkins ran up to Bob and hugged him, smiling with slight tears in his eyes. The 2 hugged as some 'awe's' appeared in the crowd. Meggy, Tari, SMG4, Mario, and (Y/N) watched from a distance. "So... What now?" (Y/N) asked, crossing their arms. SMG4 lifted their chin to face him and kissed them on the cheek. "That happens." He smiled at them.
"Okay, are you two a thing now? Cause then SMG4 owes me 2 plates of Spaghetti." Mario sternly asked, as SMG4 chuckled nervously. "Uh..." SMG4 chuckled as (Y/N) giggled.

"I would say... short and sweet?" (Y/N) asked. SMG4 nodded. "We'll go with that."

"Where's my Spaghetti?"

That's the final chapter. Sorry if this seemed short, I have a lot going on currently, and I want to spend my summer wisely (again), so I'm gonna leave it here, and I hope soon enough I'll write the 3rd and final book. No epilogue this time! Bye!

Edit: This entire thing seems rushed, but what's done is done.

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