1 | Wah it all begins

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Chapter 1 ⭐Wah it all begins

"GUYS I FOUND A CAT!!" X screamed, running over to where the 6 stood. "You found a cat? Where?" Enzo said. "I found it in a bush," X replied while (Y/N) was petting the cat.

(If you don't like cats, I'm sorry, you like all animals, so don't get triggered please!!)

"It's so cute!!" (Y/N) replied. "Whatcha going to name it?" They asked. "I don't know," X said. "Let us just keep going. Maybe you'll think of a name and that Wizard can give us a ride home." Enzo said, pulling the amulet out of his pocket. "What wizard?" Boopkins asked. "This wizard" Enzo replied summoning the wizard.
"Oh, I see you found X too, congrats!" The wizard said. "And a Cat," Bob said. "Yup, indeed." The wizard sighed. "Alright, let me guess, you need a ride back to the Mushroom Kingdom?" He asked. They all nodded. "Alright, I'll get the steve-copter." "The what now?"

Suddenly a steve came flying, while he was spinning in circles came crashing down head first into the ground. "There should be a second one coming soon." The wizard spoke. Soon enough, a second one came crashing head first, they looked similar but the first one had a purple shirt while the second one had a very dark blue shirt.

"Alright, 3 of you on the first one, 3 of you on the other, and 1 can come with me." The wizard said. "SMG4, (Y/N), and X on the first one, Enzo, Meggy, and Boopkins on the second. I want to be lit and go with the Wizard." Bob said pushing everyone out of the way, going to where the wizard was. Everyone fell to the ground. Except for SMG4 surprisingly. While standing he caught (Y/N). "Uhhh.... thanks.." (Y/N) looked to the ground. "No.... problem," SMG4 said while trying to hide his blush. Everyone just gave him a smirk. "Good job Bob." The wizard whispered to him.

"Alright, get on." The wizard said as everyone went on their transportation rides. "Alright, hang on to the Steve copters by the legs, Steve will fly diagonally, so his legs will be able to sit on. The ride might take about an hour By the way." He said. Everyone nodded and got on. Bob was already on the wizards unicorn. "Alright! Steve's AWAY!" The wizard shouted. The steve copters took off, flying into the air. "This is alright," SMG4 muttered under his breath. "Yea, I guess I could get used to this for a bit. I mean, how long could it take to get back to the Mushroom Kingdom?" (Y/N) asked, sitting on Steve's legs. "About, 1 hour and a half," X said looking at the GPS on the back of Steve's head. "Darnnit." (Y/N) muttered. "Ya'know, this reminds me of my hometown. I used to go in a helicopter with my dad sometimes." They said, looking down. "Why'd you stop?" X asked. "He passed..." (Y/N) muttered. "Oh, I'm so sorry," SMG4 said hugging (Y/N). "It's alright 4." "4?" "It's the Nickname I'm calling you, for now at least." (Y/N) smiled. SMG4 smiled back. "Well, it's going to take a while to get back so you just wanna play some I Spy or something?" X said. "Sure!" SMG4 and (Y/N) said at the same time.

"Well, hows it feels to be forgotten almost immediately?" Meggy asked. "It feels bad, man. I mean, almost 2.5 million people forgetting you exist? It hurts, not showing up as often now." Enzo said, rubbing his arm. "Well, maybe Meggy and I can celebrate your birthday when it comes around this year!" Boopkins said. "Say, when is your birthday?" Meggy asked. "October 20th," Enzo commented. "Perfect! We can celebrate on the 20th then!" Boopkins cheered. "We can watch anime, play the games you want to do, eat cake, and other stuff!" Enzo started tearing up. "Are you okay Enzo?" Meggy asked. "Yea, it's just after Mario ruined the birthday SMG4 threw for me, I haven't really, ya know... happy with my birthday. So it's nice to see someone or others who want to celebrate it." he cried. "Aww it's okay, trust me, when we throw it, It's going to be the best birthday ever!" "Yea!" Meggy and Boopkins cheered. "Thank's you 2." Enzo wiped his tears. "No problem buddy."

"Say, would you 2 consider being my friend?" Enzo asked. "YES!!" Boopkins cheered. "Sure!" Meggy said happily smiling. "Thanks so much!" Enzo beamed. "How long is the ride anyway?" "About an hour and a half, what do you wanna do in the meantime?" Meggy asked. "Watch Anime?" Boopkins suggested. "Uhh, how about chopsticks?" Enzo asked, smiling. "How do you play?" Boopkins asked.

"Holy sh*t I'm flying on a unicorn," Bob whispered. "Yea yea, just shut up, we have an hour and a half to get back to the Mushroom Kingdom so hold tight." Thw wizrad stated, not giving a glance at Bob. "Okay." Bob said.

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