14 | Acts Of Horror

373 11 10

Draft Dated: Nov. 12th 2018
Published: Nov. 12th 2018

(Y/N) ran up to SMG4 and attacked him. They pinned him to the pavement on the castle bridge. Fighting back for this, is going to be hard for poor SMG4. He tried to pull back. But that was more the likely, impossible.
While that's going on, we haven't been focusing a lot of stuff on Mario, let's see what's going on with him.


Mario was frozen eating his spaghetti. "Why can't I move? Why can't I eat my most favourite possession of all time?" He asked himself. He took a bite of it, then looked over at the TV in the bedroom he shared with Luigi.

"Reporting Live from Mushroom Town! T-Pose Zombies are taking over the population in the Town! And Soon the Kingdom! Someone has got to do something before the Kingdoms all gone and wiped out!" The reporter frighteningly said to the camera. "Ah!" The reporter then was taken down by a T-Pose Zombie. The camera guy ran from behind where it was, to the only sound being the T-Pose Zombies. Which hardly make any.
Mario didn't know what to do, so he grabbed his plate of Spaghetti and sat in front of the TV. "This won't help, but I don't know what else I can do."

Let's head back to the fight scene.


(Y/N) punched SMG4 while he barely dodged. "(Y/N).... did Mya not Teach you anything?" Waluigi sighed, face palming himself. "Oh I forgot!" (Y/N) tried to control SMG4. It didn't work. "Oh so what are you doing now?" SMG4 crossed his arms. He knew that wasn't the right decision to make. He never wanted to hurt his lover in the first place.
"Oh, that didn't work?" (Y/N) closed their eyes. "But I'm sorry. I should never have came to Glitch-Con cause then this would've never happened." (Y/N) opened their eyes, it was their original colour again. "It's alright, ready to join my side?" SMG4 asked, reaching a hand out to (Y/N). "Sure." (Y/N) took SMG4's hand, while he dragged them to the castle doors.

Waluigi didn't have anything to say. He looked around, then with an evil grin, he flew back to his castle to think of his new, most brilliant idea he could ever think of.

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