Chapter 7

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here is chapter 7. I am finishing up the book tonight like I said i was so here you go!



It felt like we had more in common than I thought. His mother died when he was little, leaving him alone with his dad. He grew up getting whatever he wanted because his father didn’t know what else to do, marrying women left and right hoping that there would be that one woman that would be a good mother to his only son. He has had more than five wives so far and is planning on getting married again soon. I know this because I was invited to the wedding by no other then Gabriele himself. We had the same favorite color and it gets even stranger when he actually has the same career path as me. It was like we were just meant, sounds cliché right.

“I have to tell you one other think Gabriele,” I said suddenly. We had just stopped laughing over this really funny joke I told and now settled on the couch to watch TV.

He turned his full attention to me and away from the TV. “Sure what is it?” Those eyes were killing me… how was I supposed to tell him that the day before we had finally gotten to a better relationship I was actually with Marco.

“Gabriele, yesterday I was um… sortofwithMarco,” I mumbled quickly. I averted my eyes to the floor, not wanting to see what facial expression he would hold.

There was a silence. “What?”

I sighed deeply before gathering enough courage to tell him once again. “Yesterday… I was with Marco…”

His facial expression was just how I pictured it in my head. There was hurt and a deep emotion that I didn’t know how to explain up there. My heart was breaking just looking at him… “Oh…”

I had to save this and quickly. “But that has changed Gabriele, I really like you! I don’t like Marco anymore, it changed when I finally got a chance to see the real you.” I reached over to grab his hand, wanting the warmth from it to calm the butterflies that were racing around in my stomach.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat when he flinched and pulled his hand away from me. There was so my hurt going through me I didn’t know how to process it. That hurt changed though when he reached over and grabbed my hand that he pulled away from.

“I can’t be mad, I mean as much as I want to… I can’t.” He sighed, “I treated you wrong, no wonder you would have ran to Marco. I would have if I was a girl getting treated like crap by her roommate.”

I chuckled before snuggling up closer to Gabriele. “I am glad you are not mad, I don’t know if I could handle you going back to the mean Gabriele again.” I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent, loving every smell that came off him. The smell of the outdoors still lingered on him along with his Axe scent that was fading from this morning.

He suddenly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. His face held a serious expression, one I have grown use to. “I will never be that Gabriele around you again… I promise.”

I wanted to lighten the mood so I held out my pinky. “Pinky promise?”

He let out a low laugh before linking his pinky with mine. “I pinky promise.” He was silent for a moment before speaking again. “Hey have you talked to Marco about it?”

I felt my stomach drop and the happy lighthearted mood was gone once again. “No, no I haven’t. I am to scared to at the moment. I mean I don’t want to lose him as a friend.”

He placed a kiss on the top of my head. “Well you are going to have to you know,” he murmured in my ear making me shiver in delight. That got a blush from me and a smirk for him.

“Yeah I know, I will tomorrow.” I replied. “For now I am tired so goodnight Gabriele.” I gave him a quick kiss before heading up to my room, not ready for tomorrow.


tell me what you think!(:

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