Chapter 23: Justice Comes Quickly, Sometimes

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In the General's room, Max and Claudius try their best to deflect his questions about the unexpected disappearance of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum. They tell him that they saw them yesterday in the courtyard drinking with a rough crowd of traders. They were probably still sleeping off all of the fun they had yesterday. 

After some time, they convince the General that he should go to the ball without his guards and that they will meet him there after they have made themselves look presentable. This was not an issue for the General who always looks presentable.

After cleaning themselves up, Max and Claudius look each over and are both genuinely impressed with how they look. Max shaved his beard earlier in the day and now looks as devastatingly handsome as he did that day he first met Serene in the woods. They're both wearing new tunics with no holes or tears and their very best overcoats. Claudius jokingly smirks, "You look like someone would actually want to marry you." 

Max laughs, "Well, I hope someone does. You don't look so shabby yourself." 

Max is feeling both nervous and excited as they enter the ball, but that all changes as soon as he walks in. Despite her extravagant costume, he instantly recognizes Serene. The sight before him, though, shocks him to his very core. It feels like he's lost in a terrible nightmare when he sees the love of his life being held by his greatest enemy, the only man he hates more than his father. 

All thoughts empty from his head when he watches Marcus kiss Serene. A second later, when she slaps him, Max pounces across the room, running on pure instinct. As Marcus is dragging Serene across the room, Max slams the full force of his body into him. Marcus immediately lets go of Serene, and both men crash hard onto the floor.

Everyone in the ball room stops what they were doing and stares at the spectacle going on before them. As the General stands dumbfounded watching, trying to understand what's going on, Claudius makes eye contact with George Washington, John Hancock, and John Adams who are just entering from on the other side of the room. 

The three men begin walking toward the General, flanking him from three sides, as Claudius goes to Megan and Miranda's side. The General is completely distracted by the sight of his son brawling on the floor with none other than Marcus Sachs doesn't notice the men approaching him.

As soon as Marcus's body hits the ground, Max begins punching as hard as he can, wherever his fists can find flesh. Marcus is caught by such surprise that he takes several hits before he's even figured out what's happening to him. He utters a deep guttural groan as he rolls over on top of Max and grabs Max's arm in the exact spot where he had shot him before. Max screams in pain and headbutts Marcus as hard as he can, satisfyingly feeling his nose breaking during the impact. 

Blood pours out of Marcus's face, and he lets go of Max's arm. Max then rolls back on top of Marcus and punches him over and over again as hard as he can in his bloody face. After several blows, Marcus stops fighting back and begins to make gurgling sounds, as blood is gushing into his mouth. Driven by the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Max delivers a few more blows before he realizes that he's won. He then stands up gasping, trying to catch his breath, and goes to Serene.

Serene has never been more confused in her life than what she is right now. Her heart swells when she sees Max stand up and look at her with burning eyes. She knows in that instant that he will forever be her man. Although it was invisible, an unbreakable bond is formed between them at that very moment. They're both captivated by it and stand motionless for the briefest of seconds. 

Suddenly, the shrieking voice of President Maria Fordstealer breaks through the thoughts of everyone in the room, "Guards, arrest her! She is a traitor and a fugitive!" Serene looks around for the guards, but what she sees is much more acute. 

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