Chapter 21: An Unexpected Reunion

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Thanks to Miranda Meyer, Vera Le Fleur has had free reign of the fort at night ever since she obtained the key to their cell. She has been sneaking out at night and gathering supplies on a regular basis. For two weeks, she has amassed a sizable stockpile of food, water, knives, candles, and first-aid supplies. For the conditions that they are in, they are actually living fairly comfortably now and have even grown used to the stench of the place. Importantly, a major commodity Vera has been collecting is information. 

That night, she comes back to the cell with the most exciting news Serene has had heard in a long time. Vera tells them that the Neworker party, including Thomas, the General, and a few other men, have arrived at the fort and that Maria has put them up in rooms inside the fort. The first ball will be held in the Parliament room tomorrow night. 

Immediately, Serene's first response at hearing this is, "What room is Thomas staying in? I must go see him, right now." Vera ignores Serene's question and continues, "What we must do now is make plans to attend this ball. They will attempt to depose the General and Maria then, I'm sure. We must ready ourselves to assist them. They will need our help if they are to be successful."

Serene doesn't like this idea. All she wants in that moment is to finally see the face she has been dreaming about for nine months. "Why can't we just contact them now and ask them how we can best help?" Vera's face turns stern, "It has also come to my attention that the fort is on high alert because both Maria and the Neworker General are concerned of conspiracies against them. If we make contact with them now, we could be putting them and their mission in jeopardy. We will know when the time is right to step in. ...Right now, we must fashion disguises for ourselves if we are to attend this ball. I found these two garments of yours." 

She holds up the wood-beaded dress Maria had given her and her favorite tunic that had belonged to her mother. Serene takes one look at them and says, "There is no way that I will be able to fit into either of those dresses." Vera smiles, "That is why, my dear, I brought them both. Suzette, can you use both of these to fashion a new dress for Serene?" Suzette indignantly replies, "Well, if anyone could, I reckon that it would be me. I am, after all, the best seamstress in Fort Biltmore and perhaps all of Carolina." 

She takes the garments from Vera and begins making measurements of Serene with old strips of cloth, muttering, "Yes, I think this can work." Vera smiles, "Great, Serene will go to the ball and interact with Thomas, since she knows what he looks like." She gives Serene a wink and continues, "Suzette and I will pose as service staff and blend in. In the meantime, Serene, I think it is time that you retrieve that pistol your father gave you. I think you may find that you may need it for the very use it was intended for."

Vera never told Serene which room Thomas is in, which annoys Serene to no end. It physically hurts to know that he's so close but that she cannot see him. She wonders if she can walk past each door on her way to the library and listen for signs of him. But she knows that's completely foolish, so late that night she sets about the tunnel and goes directly to library. 

As quiet as a mouse, she enters the familiar room she loves so much. She closes the little door behind her and uses her candlelight to find the brick hiding the secret place. She gently removes the brick, sets it on the floor, and feels around for the pistol. She feels the cold metal on her fingertips, removes the pistol and the bullets, and puts them in her tunic pocket. 

She has just replaced the brick in the wall when she hears the door to the library slowly open. She quickly puts out the flame to her candle and watches the intruder stealthily walk into the library. The intruder goes to the opposite wall and uses candlelight to examine the contents of the bookshelves. The figure meticulously searches each shelf, starting up from the bottom, slowly working up to as high as can be reached. 

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