Chapter 11: A Strategy for Insurrection

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It was strange times Serene found herself in these days. For the first time in her life, she feels genuinely awake. The foggy sadness that always seemed to be lurking around her had finally begun to dissipate. She'd become completely entrenched in her mission to oust the Princess, which helps to ease the burden of anxieties that usually weigh on her mind. Additionally, the stress of keeping up with and managing the ever growing demands of the Princess, while simultaneously hiding her pregnancy and her true motives from her step-family, actually invigorates her. 

She regularly meets with her grandmother and Alexander Hamilton in her grandmother's room at night, reporting to them all of Maria's activities. A palpable excitement is beginning to build between them all. When she tells them that Maria had met with a tall, intelligent-looking man from Nework and is seriously considering arranging a marriage treaty between Miranda and the General's son, they all know that this is the opportunity they've been waiting for. 

As they wait for more details to emerge and develop, Serene diligently works on solidifying her position in the resistance movement. On occasion, when she can get away unnoticed, she even travels with Alexander Hamilton to Speaker Fox's camp. There, she became re-acquainted with Speaker Fox, who she really could not remember having the quiet, reserved leadership qualities he apparently possesses. But, in her father's shadow, no one could possibly compare.

The first time she'd ridden Darwin out to the Fox camp with Alexander, she was taken aback by the home base that exists so close to the fort. It's well hidden along a mountainside and quite functional, with twenty to thirty men and women soldiers. They have enough horses for each person and even a small armory in the center of the camp. 

The first time Alexander formally introduced her to Speaker Fox, she feels somewhat nervous to speak to the man who would soon replace Maria. She says as gracefully as possible, "Hello, Speaker Fox." The Speaker responds with puzzled look on his face, "Why, I can't believe how much you have changed, Serene. You're not the little girl I remember. You've truly grown into a woman. When Mr. Hamilton told me about your efforts with the Princess, I have to admit it was hard for me to believe, as I expected you to be the same little girl that I remember always following your father around. But, Mr. Hamilton made quite an effort to assure me that you're a force to be reckoned with. I see that he was right about you."

Serene, slightly uncomfortable by the Speaker's intimate candidness of his conversation with Alexander and the large disfiguring scars across his face, apparently from the dog attack he had suffered from earlier, clears her throat, "Well, as you know, many things have changed, and my father's not around to shield me from the world anymore." 

Changing the subject, she continues, "I suppose Mr. Hamilton has informed you of the planned marriage treaty between Miranda and the General's son?" 

He looks back at Alexander Hamilton and grins, "Yes, he has, and I believe, as we have been discussing at length lately, that this is exactly what we've been waiting for. With the entire Parliament and most of Fort Biltmore's citizens all in one place to witness my return, she'll have no choice but to relinquish the presidency to me. ...Then, perhaps, we can set things right, once again."

Soon, how that opportunity would play out became revealed to Serene. 

Although she is required to attend the highly anticipated meeting between the General of Nework and the President of Fort Biltmore, Serene has been looking forward to this for weeks. She pays close attention to every word exchanged between the General and the Princess. Although she still can't fathom why Maria would willingly sell off her favorite daughter to some strange Neworker, Serene is surprised by the General's appearance. She had always imagined him to be a fat, toothless, and generally nasty man, and was genuinely amazed to find that he was actually nothing of the sort. He's handsome, well-coifed, and well spoken, if not egotistical and overly confidant. In many ways, he seems to be Maria's exact equal. 

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