Chapter 41

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The door to Namjoon's studio burst open. He was unfazed by the sound, he had poured his energy back into writing songs. Crappy songs, but at least they're a distraction. He heard footsteps shuffling behind him and the next thing he knew, he was lifted into the air by Hoseok. He was angry, his eyes were hooded. Yoongi tried to get him off of Namjoon.

"He took her." Hoseok said.

"What?" Namjoon said lazily, he felt tired, too tired to care about anything.

"Your father in law kidnapped Y/N." he said loudly. Namjoon's eyes widened and it was as if he was revived from a coma. His heartbeat quickens and sweats formed on his forehead.

"What do you mean?"

"Rosie called Tzuyu earlier and said Y/N was gone. She found her phone and on it was a message from you telling her to meet her outside the bar. That was the last anyone had seen her." Yoongi explained.

"That's impossible. I don't have my phone with me-"

"We know!" Hoseok yelled. He never liked yelling his voice, especially at someone he cares about, but it was time to wake Namjoon up. Namjoon fell down to the ground, unable to process anything. "We've been patient with you this whole time. We know that you were forced into this situation because you wanted to protect Y/N and her education. But this is just fucken sick, Namjoon. This has gone far enough, I don't care if he's a stockholder or not. I'm going to beat the shit out of him." Hoseok said.

"I agree. This isn't worth someone's life. We can go back to performing on the streets. I just want her to be safe. We all do." Yoongi added. Namjoon stood up, his demeanor changed, and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm going to kill him." Namjoon answered in a growl.


Someone slapped you face and it woke you up. Your hands were bound behind the chair, and so were your legs. There was a man in front of you, his stature similar to the man you saw last night. You weren't in your room anymore, it was a common area with windows which told you it was morning. The man had a bat in his hand. Also in front of you was a monitor. The man pressed play. Appearing on the screen was a middle-age man wearing a business suit, he sat gracefully on his office chair. There was a view of the city, he was back in Korea as far as you could tell.

"Hello Ms. Y/N. I presume that you have many questions right now, all of which I will answer." he said. "I'm not actually listening so don't bother any questions. Maybe you recognize me, but I'm the CEO of K Design. Yes, the father of Kim Jennie, who is dating RM. I'm sure you must be so upset by this but it can't be helped. They're a much suitable couple than you two could ever be."

What he said struck your heart. He continued. "Even though they're meant for each other, it seemed that neither of them are happy. Which makes sense because I forced them into this relationship." You gasped quietly, remembering what Jennie had told her before everything had happened. "I threatened to take away Taehyung's and your scholarships. Being such caring people, Namjoon and my daughter agreed to do what I wanted. But obedience wasn't enough. I need them to truly submit to me, especially Namjoon. It's a good thing I know his number one weakness, you. There's nothing particularly special about you so I wonder why he's so in love with you still."

Still, you thought, he still loves you. "As long as I have you in my grasp, he'll do whatever I want. And if he doesn't..." The man moved, his bat swinging in the air and landed hard on your stomach. "I'll discipline him through you." You coughed to the point where the blood came out. The monitor went black and the man carried you back into the room and locked it. The room was less dark now, but it was still wet and cold.


Namjoon ran through the building until he reached the door of the CEO. He didn't knock, but kicked it down. Mr. Kim must have been expecting him, because there were teacups set up on the table. "You're early." he said. "I thought it would have taken you a few more hours to realize."

Namjoon marched pass him and yanked him by the collar. "Where the hell did you take her?" he yelled. The man laughed and took Namjoon's hand off of him.

"Sit down." he said.

"No." Namjoon said. The man sighed and turned on the TV monitor. The black screen changed to one of a room, and you were in the middle of it. Namjoon gasped and lost all his strength. He saw the bat landing on your stomach and blood coming out of your mouth. "No, no, please don't hurt her!" he begged.

"Then sit down." the man commanded. Namjoon obeyed, his eyes still fixated on the screen. He hasn't seen you for so long, and although it was covered in dirt, you were still beautiful to him. But seeing you in that condition made his blood boil and the hatred for the man grow exponentially. "Do anything stupid and something other than a bat will touch her body." he warned.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this? I'm doing everything you asked of me."

"It's not enough. I know you want to defy me and that thought alone was enough for me to kidnap the person you love. As long as I have her, I can control you, right?"

Namjoon clenched his jaws. "Yes." he sighed in defeat.

"Will you obey me now?"

"Yes, sir." 

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