Chapter 30

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Classes were cut short today. At least that's what Jungkook is calling it because he's ditching half the day. And you can't be too mad at him because you're doing it too, along with Namjoon. But it's for a good reason, Tzuyu has a music festival and competition. The school's orchestra travels to Seoul University with many of the prominent schools in the country to perform in front of judges and audience. Namjoon was driving, Jungkook right beside him because he claimed that he loves Namjoon more than you love him. And since you wanted to take a nap in the back seat, you didn't want to fight him on that.

The drive took about an hour and Namjoon was very careful to drive smoothly for you to sleep. Occasionally, more often than he should, he would look at you from the rear view mirror. The blanket wrapped tightly around your body and your nose was exposed. He wanted badly to kiss your rosy cheeks.

"Hyung, please pay attention to the road." Jungkook commented.

"Sorry." Namjoon chuckled. "She just looks so cute. A little angel. A galaxy that belongs only to me."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, his hyung was completely head over heels in love. "Hyung, what's your plan?"

"What do you mean?" he asked. By now, you were starting to wake up, but didn't open your eyes so you could listen to them.

"You can't hide her forever. She can't keep being a secret. And your career is only going to go up from now, which means the threat will just keep on being bigger. Do you think she would be okay?"

"I know she's lying whenever she says she's okay. I know it hurts having to keep us a secret and seeing obsessive fan comments or even picture edits. I hate that I have to hide her and it's all my fault. The minute I agreed to be an idol, I don't belong to myself anymore. Now I don't have a choice."

"So you're just gonna wait until your career dies down? You know how it works, any interaction with you and a female artist will get noticed and shipped."

"You know, of all the time you choose to be smart, it has to be now?" Namjoon chuckled. "You're right. Maybe after we graduate and I have more control over the scheduling and contract. She'll go off to college hopefully somewhere in the city, and I'll go see her as much as I can and I'll protect her. Maybe I'll ask her to move in with me." Your body flinched a little but your eyes remained closed. He sounded serious.

"Move in with your parents? That's literally across the street from her house." Jungkook laughed quietly.

"No pabo. I'm in the process of getting my own apartment. It'll be a small one for the moment, but it could be comfortable for both of us." Namjoon smiled. He stared into the city buildings, amongst them would be his new home with you. He pictured this in his mind, coming home and help you with homework, and you helping him with lyrics.

"Do you think she would say yes? What if she moves away?"

"I don't know. I've been away from her for so long, I can't picture being apart now, especially now that I have her in my embrace. Our strings are knotted." The rest of the car ride was silence, except for Jungkook jumping up and down every now and then in his seat out of excitement from seeing his girlfriend. Your eyes were still closed as you thought about what Namjoon said. Even after becoming his girlfriend, you still haven't told him about your acceptance. It never occurred to you that it would create any problems. But now it's starting to become scary, you'll both be busy with your lives, will things turn out okay?

The car came to a stop and Namjoon went over to your side to wake you up. He opened the door gently to not wake you up and kissed your forehead. "We're here, my love." When you got out of the car, you wrapped the scarf to cover your face and had Jungkook in between you two to avoid any suspicions. You felt how this was taking a toll on you, you wanted him to warm your hands up. Namjoon noticed that you were looking down at the ground and bit his lips.

Once in the auditorium, you finally sat next to him. For the most part, the people there were older so they didn't know who he was so you didn't have to worry about someone taking pictures. He held your hand close to his heart. No words were exchanged but you knew what he was thinking, he was sorry for everything.

"Namjoon, I have to tell you something." you said while one of the orchestras was setting up in their position.

"What is it?" he asked, he held your face with his gaze. As you looked into his brown eyes, you felt a lost for words. You knew you had to be honest, and you knew he would be accepting. But right now, you just wanted time to stop.

You opened your mouth, "I got accepted to a university."

He gasped quietly and cupped your cheeks. "Congratulations, love. Where?"

"Somewhere far." Your eyes were getting watery as you saw his face changed. It meant that his plan had to change as well.

"Oh," he said, his hand slowly dropping. "How far? Like Busan?"

Your head shook, "No, farther."

"Japan?" he asked desperately. He couldn't handle being further.

"Farther." you whispered. He didn't ask anymore, he understood. No matter the location, not being within reaching distance from each other creates the same effect and pain. He reclined back into his seat. His hand was on top of yours, but he didn't hold it any longer. When you looked at his face, he stared off somewhere else, his eyes glimmer. His breath grew more uneven, his body was shaking. "Namjoon-" Before you could get a sentence out, he got up from his seat and left the auditorium. The orchestra had just begun playing, a loud sound, sorrowful and terrifying, everything you felt right now. And everything that Namjoon was afraid of was coming true. 

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