Chapter 7

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Namjoon's back. It was the phrase that went through your mind as you sleep, as you eat, as you do homework, and it was definitely most prevalent when he literally sits next to you. It's been weeks and the buzz around school didn't die down. In fact, it had only increased exponentially when the two other members, J-Hope and Suga, joined the school as well. Cheerful Hoseok was in Tzuyu's homeroom while timid Yoongi was in yours. He sat behind you. You offered (practically begged) him to trade seat with you so he could be next to Namjoon instead, but the man wouldn't bulge. Namjoon quite liked how you were flustered while his smiles just fuel years of animosity for you.

His smiles toward you would also fuel someone's hatred, but towards you. It was So Min, queen Barbie of your homeroom and practically the entire school. You had to help her with an assignment before and by helping, she did nothing. It was exchanged for her group to leave you and your friends off of her hit list. Good trade, you thought. But now you were back on her pest alert radar. So anytime Namjoon would lean over to you to ask a question or just to talk, you saw her in the front, not sneakily at all glaring at you from her compact mirror. Occasionally, Yoongi notices and scoffed, mixed in with low chuckles. It was a little scary at first because he looks like he could kill you with his eyes. But he's quiet in nature and likes to write. What a soft boy.

The bell rang for a quick break, so you headed out to the bathroom. A few people followed you and when you were yanked back violently, you knew exactly who it was. "What do I owe this pleasure to, So Min?" At that exact moment, the other people followed you out, a.k.a, the three musketeers, a.k.a ⅔ of Cypher and Namjoon biggest famboy. They hid almost discretely so that other people wouldn't stare as they stare at you.

"Quit it with your smartass mouth." she snapped. Her hair swung behind her powerfully, like a commercial. A few boys walked by and whistled at her, she beamed and soaked up every second of their attention before turning back to you. You bit your lip, holding in a laugh. "I need you to stop making your slutty eye contact with oppa."

"Slu..What the fuck does that even mean?" you asked in an exasperated voice. Behind the wall, Yoongi and Jungkook held in their snicker, but Namjoon was mostly worried. He wanted to go out there and take you away, but that would create attention you definitely would not want. You were starting to get annoyed and you really needed to pee. So you began to walk away. So Min didn't give up that easily, she pulled on your hair for you to remain in place. You swung your hand to slap her away. "Touch me again, and you won't have hands left." you warned. She shuddered but went back to her original composure, confident and overcompensating for her lack of personality.

"I like her." Yoongi said, nodding his head. Namjoon just took that as his hyung approving of the girl he used to / is still in love with. Yoongi had a different idea in mind.

"Whatever, stay away from them. I'm the only one deserving of them." she said.

"Deserving? I think you're giving yourself a little too much credit here. Besides, I can't help where they decided to sit."

"Then switch seat with me."


She sighed loudly, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. She took a step forward. "I'm gonna make it clear to you since you obviously don't understand. Get away from Kim Namjoon, and the rest of the boys. You're way too ugly for them anyways." You never thought you were pretty. Your mom, being a mom, always says you were, but you never believed her. You never believed anyone except for when he said it. You would always believe him, well believed. You shook your head and faced So Min, taking a step forward.

"First off, you are in no position to tell me what the hell I should do. Secondly, I'm no moving if that wasn't clear enough for you. And thirdly, Kim Namjoon or Rm or whatever the hell his name is, he's all yours. He's was never mine for the taking in the place." So Min was oblivious to every part of that speech except for the part where you said she could do whatever she wants with him. She giggled and skipped away. Namjoon felt his heart dropping at your sentence, Jungkook gave his hyung a quick hug and promised that you didn't mean those things.

With a sigh, you tried walking to the bathroom but anything figured stopped you. Out of annoyance, you said the first thing that popped up into your head. "If you don't move, I'm going to pee my pants."

The figure laughed out loud, it was a low sound, almost menacing and the owner of the laugh was no other than Min Suga. "Alright. Hurry and go, I wanna talk to you." he said when he was done laughing. He waited for you outside the bathroom, his head was low so that no one would recognize him, which was impossible because of his grape color hair. While waiting, he thought about how Namjoon had wanted to talk to you, but he beat him to it. He knew of his dongsaeng's love for you, but couldn't help but be annoyed at his hesitations, his unwillingness to man up and fight for you. So Yoongi's gonna do something about it.

"So what did you want to talk about? And why me?" you asked. Yoongi shrugged and stayed in silence. He felt Namjoon's piercing gaze from the back and smiled to himself.

"Y/N." he called out.


"You're very pretty." Yoongi said, he reached out and touched the end of your hair. It made you freeze in place. Namjoon also froze, feeling anger and jealousy towards his hyung.

"Um, thanks." you answered, not knowing what to say to things like that. Then the bell rang and you quickly walked back. Yoongi went to the hiding place and crossed his hands.

"Why?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi smirked. "It's for your own good. I wanna push you out of this shell. So get to her."

"Actually," a voice from behind said, much deeper, it was like a growl. When the group turned around, it was a slender man with a midnight hair and photogenic face. "Get in line, I was here first." 

"Oh boy." Jungkook let out a sighed, knowing exactly who it was. He was worried about both his hyungs.

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