Chapter 9

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There was a knock on the door, and considering that it was a school day, it must be Tzuyu waiting to walk with you to school, something you both do occasionally. But when you opened the front door, you ended up looking up, more than you would have to with Tzuyu. He wore a long tan coat, and a beret. His hair covered most of his eyes and prominent eyebrows and when he saw you he smiled, his eyes practically disappearing with those boxy smile.

"Taehyung-ssi? What are you doing here?" you asked, slightly closing the front door behind you so that your mom wouldn't see. Not that she would mind, but you didn't want her to ask any questions.

"I'm taking you to school." he answered simply.

"Um, I appreciate it but why?"

"Well let's just say when you rejected me last year, I didn't take that very well. And I'm not a man who gives up easily." He gestured his head to his car, the Hyundai. "I'll wait for you in the car."

When you got back inside the house, your mother was waiting in the kitchen. You could hide nothing from her. "So who was that?" she asked, holding off a grin on her face.

"He's just a friend from school, and he's giving me a ride."

"Good, that saves me a lot of work." she exclaimed.

"Eomma! You're supposed to be protective." you complained.

"Yes, that is my job. But I trust you, and you need to heal. Who knows, maybe he could help." she shrugged. You ignore that comment and grabbed your backpack. Taehyung's smile grew wider when he saw you coming out of the house as he waited at the hood of his car. He opened the door for you and did a little victory jumped after closing it. From the window of the house across the street, someone was not happy at all.

Taehyung's car was surprisingly clean and his stereo was playing Bach. He tapped his finger on the steering wheel like playing the piano. You felt unease, for one thing, he was always with his brother or with his saxophone, and two, ⅓ of the girls at school would die to be in your position. It used to be ¼ but Jimin is now taken. Literally, what are the odds that you're sorta friends with all of them. You're really living the "Y/N" life.

"Seokjin is riding with Jimin and Seulgi, if you were wondering." Taehyung said, breaking the silence. "He must be hating it right now." he chuckled.

"Why would he put himself through that?" you asked.

"Because I asked him to. Well, more like I forced him to so that I could take you instead."

"Again, why?"

"I told you, I'm don't give up easily. And my feelings for you haven't gone away."

"Taehyung, I think you're a lovely person and you're a great friend. But I don't think I'm ready for anything, ever."

"Does it have anything to do with RM-ssi?" Taehyung asked, looking at you from the corner of his eyes. He observed your silence, and the way you stopped breathing for just a split second. He smiled sadly, already knowing the answer.

"I guess everyone knows." you shook your head, "It doesn't matter. I wish he didn't have such an effect on me. I wish I could move on."

"Why can't you?"

"Even if I'm determined in my head, I could never bring myself to be with anyone else and be submerge in something that could hurt me, again." You looked straight on. The streets were already filled with cars, and on the sidewalk were students walking. Girls giggling in their uniforms. That used to be you, carefree.

"I think I can help with that." Taehyung said. You turned your head to see that he was being serious.


"Be my girlfriend." he answered.

You choked on the air and he looked offended, but laughed. "I don't think you heard a single thing I just said." you manage to say after catching your breath.

"I promise, I was. And I can help you move on."

"By being your girlfriend."

"It doesn't have to be real. But I'll stay by your side, and I'll get your mind off of him. Eventually, your feelings for him will go away."

You nodded slowly. "And what will you get out of this?"

"Haven't you be listening?" he chuckled quietly. "I'll get to spend time with you and be your boyfriend, even if there aren't any attachment."

"Taehyung, that makes me extremely selfish. I can't do that to you. And do you like me this much to do this?"

"Yes, I do like you this much."

"Why? There are much prettier girls who would do anything for you."

"I don't need a girl to do anything I want. I want a girl who knows what they want and I want myself to simply be a piece of her life, not the entire thing." he answered. "I'm being selfish too by suggesting this. And who knows, by the end, you might fall in love with me for reals." he shrugged. It made you laugh silently. Taehyung always had a way to make people laugh with his personality. He's a good person, too good of a person for you to be with. But maybe you can help each other.

"Alright. I'll be your pretend girlfriend. But don't expect much."

"Can I hold your hand at least?" he asked.

You thought about it for awhile. "Only if I can wear your designer jackets."

"Deal." That was the end of that conversation. You knew it was wrong, but Taehyung knew nothing would be real and he had agreed to help you. Part of you wanted to fall for him for reals, because it would be easier. He would stay exactly here, he would be a constant. When the car pulled up to the parking lot, people knew who it was. The girls cheered on for Taehyung but they stopped when they saw him opening the door for you, his jacket draping around your shoulder. He held your hand tightly and his smile grew exponentially. His hand felt strange in yours. It wasn't like Namjoon's, even if it had been years since you've held his hand.

As you walked into the school, people turned their heads in your direction. You hid slightly behind him. "When I agreed, I totally forgot about your fan club." you whispered.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you." he whispered back, his voice even lower. Just then, a trio walked towards you. It was the first time you saw Hoseok with the rest of his group. Yoongi looked so much smaller next to the other two. The tallest of them all, and their leader, looked at you, then at Taehyung, then at your intertwined hands in disbelief. His heart broke just a little bit more.

"What's going on here?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing much. I'm just walking my girlfriend to her class." Taehyung answered brightly. You saw Namjoon's body visible wince, he was biting his lip.

"Your girlfriend." Namjoon repeated, the word seemed abnormal for him, foreign almost.

"I told you I was here first." Taehyung smirked. You took a step back mentally, watching the standoff between the two men.

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