Chapter 17

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Namjoon swirled around on his chair. He'd been doing it for 10 minutes and his parents were getting worried. They had called on him for dinner but he didn't seem to hear them. When his dad went to check on him and saw the scene, he quietly called his wife over. Their young son was pouting, a pencil above his ear, and his feet spread out as the chair spun around.

"We should say something, right?" his dad asked.

"He's always like this when he's thinking." his mom answered.

"Yea, but it never passes 5 minutes. It must be a song."

"Or it's a girl." she emphasized, knowing exactly what she's talking about. She dragged her husband out to the kitchen.

"Girl? You mean Y/N?"

"There's never going to be anyone else on his mind."

"But she hates him, right? I mean I love our son dearly, but if I were in her shoes, I would never speak to him again."

"Fate is a funny thing." she hummed. "Let's ask him at dinner."

"Ask me what?" His parents both jumped at the sound of his deep voice. They were met with his confused and innocent gaze when they turned around.

His mother began. "Oh nothing much-"

"Are you writing a song for Y/N?" his dad asked. That made his mom gasped and elbowed her husband in the stomach. "You were thinking it too!" he whined.

"You didn't have to put our son on the spot like that though."

"Of course I did, I'm his dad. And his happiness comes first."

"But so does his privacy!"

"You said you wanted to ask him at dinner!" The volume of their voices continued and Namjoon sighed. His parents hardly ever fought and when they do, it was always trivial things.

"Enough." he said loudly, "I'll tell you the truth." They all moved to the dinner table, the food was already prepared. "Yes, I'm writing a song for Y/N."

"But all of your songs are essentially about her, why are you struggling this time?" his mom asked, placing a hand on his.

"I've been keeping this from you guys but Y/N and I are on good terms now. I think. She's not annoyed at my presence at least. We're starting slowly again."

"So you're like dating?"

"Not exactly. I think there was a non-verbal agreement between of us to just be friends for now. It's a good start that could blossom into something I've always dream of. At least for me, that's what I'm hoping for. For Y/N, I just want her to be happy."

"What's the song for, then?" his dad asked.

"There's a dance coming up, I wanted to use the song to ask her to be my date." Namjoon answered proudly. His mom leaned her head on propped elbows.

"How romantic. I wish your dad would do something like that for me." she sighed. Her husband looked very offended.

"Hey, I washed my socks today. And I got you some eggs without being asked." he whined. His mother laughed and got up to kiss her husband on the cheek.

"I know. Thank you, honey. I love you very much." she said. Namjoon watched them in awe. Domesticated life was never something he wanted when he was younger, but while he was away and missing you, having a simple life seemed like a privilege that he might not have. He wondered what kind of future the two of you would have, but he knew for sure his love for you would remain the same.

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