Chapter 3

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Namjoon stared at your back as you walked away. Your hair behind you, flying with grace. He sighed. I lost her again, he thought. Four years ago, he decided to chase his dreams, only to realize he had left it behind. For the few seconds that he saw your eyes, he saw the hurt, the disappointment. He wanted to do more than just untie your hair, he wanted to embrace you. Bust that might have been more volatile than anything at the moment. Four years was not enough to heal a broken soul. So he watched as you leave.

"Hyung, what are you staring at the wall for?" Jungkook called to Namjoon, he was older than Jungkook by a few months. But they've been friends since they were young because their mothers went to the same doctor and gave birth at the same hospital. It's a weird circumstance but they're always there for each other. Jungkook was upset that Namjoon left him, but it was different, at least he knew Namjoon would be leaving.

"We have a lot of catching up to do," Namjoon said, shaking his thoughts of you out, but of course, you never left his mind. Not even in all of those years. After being mobbed in the classroom, Jungkook was the one that got everyone out and kept everyone while Namjoon made his escape to see you. He hadn't planned on seeing you, actually. Well he had planned to meet you appropriately, with the right words and the right gestures. But what he did probably made it worse.

"What more should I need to know? You're always on the news." Jungkook chuckled. Namjoon sighed. Ever since his debut earlier this year, there hasn't been a day where he wasn't recognized and or chased down by girls. The other members had it too, but being a leader allowed him to have more of the spotlight, which he never loved. He only wanted to write and rap.

"Being separated from you and everyone was a nightmare."

"Oh, I bet being an idol with millions of fangirls must be so tiring, with all the expensive clothing and lavish food." Jungkook said in full sarcasm. "But transparent clothing could be something."

Namjoon laughed."I told you that you could have come with me and be famous, live this life. You have the voice of an angel, Kookie." They walked to the cafeteria together, trying their best to avoid classmates and the screaming. Jungkook wasn't used to all of the attention, even for being captain of the basketball team. The scream always happens at games, but he was focused on the game, and only one voice from the crowd in particular.

"No thank you, hyung. I'd rather be unknown and be near the girl I love than being famous and leaving her behind." he smiled, but then it faded into a sad one that lingered in the sight of his desperate hyung.

"Are you talking about your situation or mine here?" Namjoon asked, half laughing, half mad at himself.

Jungkook patted him on the back, there was a small height difference between them. In text messages and phone calls, Jungkook jokingly said that if being an idol didn't work out for Namjoon, he could always play basketball here. But deep down, he knew the elder was more than capable of succeeding. "You still love her, don't you?"

"I'd be dead if I didn't." Namjoon shrugged.

"Why didn't you say anything to her? Before leaving, or even while you were training?" Jungkook asked.

"You don't get it, Jungkook. For one, BigHit made me sign a contract to not get into any relationship. Funny right? I rap about love when I can't feel it myself. And secondly," he paused, staring at nothing in particular. "I don't think I deserve her."

"That's no way to think about it. It's true, she hates you now, but this can't go on forever." Jungkook pouted a little, but then pulled Namjoon along. "C'mon, I'm hungry. My treat."

"You rascal, the food is free." Namjoon laughed. As Jungkook pulled on his arm, he thought about the beginning. The beginning of when he met you. It was when you were both 6 and you had just moved into the house across the street from his. You used to wear the same galaxy dress until your mom yelled at you. In Namjoon's eyes, you were so strong, didn't cry

when you fell off your bike and scratched both knees, didn't cry when you were bullied for being quiet. Didn't even cry much when you lost your dad.

Namjoon watched from his windows as you grew, and he grew more and more attached to you. He felt the urge to protect you and hold you in his arms. Of course Jungkook knew and teased Namjoon constantly. At first, he thought it was because you were a little girl and as a boy, he should protect you. But over time, he knew it was love, the kind of love his parents share with each other. By the time you were both in 5th grade, he finally worked up the nerve to confess to you. Wide eyes and unsure smile, you walked away from him, his confession unanswered.

From the front steps to your house where you would sit at after school with your juice and notepad, Namjoon watched as you wrote, concentrating every muscle of your body to write. After the confession, Namjoon began going outside more, and sometimes had the courage to sit next to you. You would hardly pay any attention to him, but you did return the conversation. Gradually, it grew to become more than just "hello" and "goodbye". He learned about your likes and dislikes, your favorite book, your favorite line from that book, and your dream of being a writer.

And since neither of you had cell phones, Namjoon thought it'd be more fun/romantic if you exchanged letters instead. He was glad he asked that because there was a whole other side of you. The words you used, the phrases, the philosophies you would tell him, they're all in his memories. In some of his songs, he referenced them, but he doubted you would listen to his music. When he said he wanted to be a musician, he said himself it was a silly dream. But then you wrote him this.

Dear Dimples,

A person's success is only measured by his failures. If he never tries, he will never succeed. Go chase your dream, I believe in you. We're still young, the road ahead of us will be tough but I promise you that your road won't be lonely because I will be walking with you. You never walk alone. Maybe it's too late to say this but, I like you too.


That was two years after he first confessed. It was long, but you were worth the wait. That was the letter he had been waiting for. I will treasure her, she will forever be mine, Namjoon thought proudly and with confidence. But then everything changed when he got the call from BigHit.

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