Dream Land

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[Warning: Graphic]

I could hear a ringing deep within my mind as I open my eyes. Everything around me was white except for the ground. Sprouting out of the ground was trees with videos as the leaves. Upon further inspection they were memories. I began to walk around trying to watch all of them when I heard my name. I looked toward where it sounded like I heard it coming from and ran to it. The videos on the trees became static as I got closer to the voice and I began to see a silhouette.

"(Y/n)!" He turned and smiled at me. I ran to him and hugged him, not even knowing why, I just knew I needed to. "Look around." He said softly. I looked up at the tree leaves to see pictures of the girls I have met so far. Catherine, Leona, Victoria, Lesia, Sylvia, and a new photo burned onto one of the branches: Sia. I felt confused, why did I need to see them?

"What is it?" I asked pulling away. He looked down at me and moved in close. He tried to begin to speak but his lips were glued together. My eyes widened in horror as his sealed lips stretched and tensed up as he tried to separate them. His eyes were full of fear as he began to claw at his merging flesh. I tried to back up but found out that my feet were in the same predicament as is laps. As his fingers made contact with the sticky skin around his mouth they stuck and he seemed to be unable to remove them. I could hear his screams as he looked to be melting. I screamed as well as the forest around me began to glow with flames. My mind was splitting in two, burning as I couldn't remember anything. The only things that were left were the images of the girls as they became sentient and smiled at me. Truly what horrified me was that as the male, whose name seemed to be burned in my forest fire of memories, melted into a liquidy goop he disappeared under the photos. An obnoxious sucking noise could be heard from beneath me, from each of the pictures as if they were attempting to drink up the last of their favorite drink. I cried and looked up to see Lyla frowning at me. I called out for help, putting my hands on my head only for them to get stuck in my hair. This was a nightmare that I couldn't escape, and to make things worse I could feel myself grow smaller as the photos slurped me up. Lyla giggled and began to speak gibberish. She grew taller and from behind her 7 female figures came out and stood next to her. I screamed, "LYLA HELP ME!" As my vision blurred into darkness.

I snapped my head up to darkness. In my panicked mindset I began to weap as the sound of snoring filled the room. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 5am. I shown the light onto Lyla who was passed out on top of some male. He seemed to be asleep, but his face was covered. I shook in fear, but rose to my feet and grabbed my key. I left the room in nothing but my pajamas, now wondering who changed me. I dialed the only person I could trust at a time like this and felt a wave of relief as a familiar voice flowed into my ears.

"Hello? (Y/n) what are you doing up so early? Or... is it late for you." My aunts soothing voice brought instant relief to my shaking form.

"Thank god you answered, I'm so scared, Aunty."

"W-what? Are you ok, (Y/n) where are you?"

"In my dorm hallway, I'm just so... Scared. I had a nightmare." I could hear her laugh at my remark and I felt my heart drop. Music from that room played softly in the background.

"(Y/n)... Honey your a college student now. Aren't you a little old for calling me about a nightmare? Just drink some water and try to calm down." I hated when adults told me to calm down when it came to sleep related issues. As if 'just relaxing' is going to fix all my problems and I'm gonna have beautiful dreams again.

"You don't understand Aunty, this nightmare was different! H-he was there a-and all of these girls. He was melting and couldn't do anything but scream and I couldn't do anything a-and I was so scared Aunty.." I began to cry and I felt like such a baby.

"(Y/n) please, we all have some pretty bad nightmares. Maybe you feel incontrol in your life, so try to take more charge! Just breathe ok?" I shook and tried not to scream into the phone. "I have to go back to sleep so I can get up for work, but you should try to get some rest too. Watch some cat videos or something sweetie. I love you, sweet dreams hopefully!" She waited for me to respond, but I couldn't find it in me to give a genuine response.

"Y-yeah ok. Love you." I hung up and looked around at the darkness of the hallway. Somehow the carpeting of the floor felt more comforting than anything in my life. After a few minutes of trying to comprehend my situation, the male figure exited my room. Out of the darkness I could see him adjusting his pants as he looked down at me. My vision was becoming wonky as he began to speak.

"What are you doing on the floor, silly?" His voice was distorted and had female rings to it. I could sense a familiar feeling as he walked away and his form me.

"No!" I yelled as I did my best to follow the figure down the hall. They seemed to panic as they ran down the hallway which was becoming a labyrinth. They entered the room that always had the music coming out of it, a bright light flowing from it. Even with the light I couldn't see the figures face which angered me. I screamed for it to get back here but as I approached the door it slammed shut and I tripped, falling face first into the door. I blacked out, but could see a figure hovering over me.

"I'll help you get back to your room." It said. It was a male, it sounded like that one from my dream. I rose to my feet and entered the dorm room, locking the door behind me. I felt as if I was being possessed by some other worldly being. I stumbled to the bed and jumped into it drifiting off to a dreamless sleep.

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