This Campus has it all!

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~Early August~

I walked out of the shower and changed into my clothes, looking in the mirror while I combed out my wet hair. "FUCK!" I rushed out to see Lyla holding her head in concern.

"What? What happened?" I asked in a frantic tone.

"My fucking movie ticket is gone. I just had it, and now its not here!" She moved around the blankets on her bed, but found nothing.

"What...? You never lose anything!"

"I know." She flopped onto her now messy bed and sighed. "What the fuck is wrong lately. I can't even remember our trip to the pool very well." I looked away for a minute, trying to forget how rude she acted. "It's like theres a faint tune in my head, its only here at the campus. I never heard it before! Am I on drugs or something?!" And thats when it happened, the music from the radio from that dorm was able to be heard behind closed doors.

"Calm down, Lyla. Its ok, you can I have my ticket." I tried to sound as nice as possible.

"No (Y/n), I don't want your ticket because you paid for that ticket with money from your aunt. I want my ticket. The I paid for!"

"I-is this like a pride thing? Cause if so, Lyla, it isnt gonna ruin your ego if you take my ticket. You're the one who wanted to see the movie." She snapped her view at me, almost like I offended her.

"My ego? Don't be stupid!" She stood up and grabbed her phone. "Just go see the movie with your ticket. Besides, I'll probably ruin the movie with my big EGO!" She rushed out and slammed the door, leaving me to sigh and close my eyes.

"I wonder if shes..." I stopped myself before I could say something stupid. I shook my head and grabbed my phone and ticket before I walked out of the room. The music seemed louder, but I dismissed it, walking past as I made my way to the theaters.


"Thank you for the popcorn!" I called back as I walked to the theater showing the movie. I saw at the top, where no one else was. The previews were still on, so I decided to go on my phone. The theater never filled, only the few people who were here before were there, so I put my feet up and relaxed in my chair. That was right before a girl with brown hair sat right next to me, in a theater almost void of people.

I looked over slowly, not even knowing what was running through her head as she adjusted the sweater she was wearing. Her eyes shot over to me and I averted her gaze. She looked innocent on the outside, but her eyes held a deeper feeling, a powerful one. "You have a forgiving face. One that welcomes others. That's why I sat here." I looked over to see the girl staring forward and straight faced.

"Thank you..? I'm (Y/n)." I smiled and debated on whether or not I should shake her hand. Before I could speak any other words the movie previews began and I forved myself to close my mouth. Something about her comment threw me off: how could she properly see my face if the theater is so poorly lit when she entered?


"AH!" I let out a small shout when I jumped. Thats the 5th jump scare in the past 10 minutes. The girl next to me seemed to be completely stable and straight faced, which threw me off. However she seemed to be the type to not be very scared.


I grabbed my heart to make shre it was still beating. The movie was over and everyone in the theater can at least say they've had at least one heart attack during the duration of the movie. The girl next to me smiled and stood up, "Hey follow me." She gestured to me and reluctantly followed. She left me out of the theater and to the girls bathroom. "Wanna see something?" I hesitate. A girl, that I dont know, just took me to the bathroom of a movie theater, to show me something. Can you see why this is all a big red flag?

"Sure..." She grinned and pulled up her sleeve. A large scratch tattoo itself. I gasped and covered my mouth at how deep and vicious it looked. It was like a lions claws somehow made their way to her arm.

"Cool isn't it?" She looked at it and then to me, waiting for my answer.

"Yeah..." My mouth wouldn't shut, so I decided to keep marveling at it until she spoke.

"It's supposed to symbol a lion's scratch." I could sense her prideful tone from a mile away, and I was standing right in front of her.

"Why... Did you get it? Are you a Leo or something? Or did you just really like The Lion King?" Now we made eye contact and I knew she was somehow offended.

"Are you stupid or something?! This tattoo means a lot to me and you're just gonna joke about it!?" She rolled her sleeve down and turned away. I stared blankly at her back as I tried to go over what the hell just happened.

"I-im sorry! I didnt mean to offend you. It's a really nice tattoo I swear!" I put up my hand to reach for her shoulder. She turned and looked me in the eye.

"Do you mean it!? You think its cool? Of course you do! Why wouldn't you?" A cheeky grin washed on her face before turning on her heels and walking to the exit of the bathroom. I stood dumbfounded, not really knowing what to feel. "Oh and by the way," my attention was grabbed when she spoke again. She was facinf the door, but her head was turned to face me. "The names Leona." I blinked and tried to keep up with her crazy mood changes. She giggled and walked out of the bathroom. I could almost hear a hint of someone else close when she giggled, but I couldn't piece it together. I shook my head in an attempt to calm myself down. I walked out as well and made my way back to the dorms.


Imprisoned By Her Beauty (Yandere!Zodaic X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now