The Halloween Party! [PT. 1]

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I sat on the bleachers of my old highschool, unaware of the people around me as I watched the games continue. A sense of Deja vu washed over me as the announcement that the seniors were "trumped" by the Juniors. My legs stood and ran down without knowing. I was surrounded by people without faces when my name was called from behind me.

"(Y/n)!" It was the boy from the ID. his eyes still X'd out. "Can I talk to you?" I said yes while following the boy to behind the bleachers. He rubbed the X's to reveal his eyes. Something in my head clicked and I realized I knew him.

"You! A-aren't you-" He cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth.

"If you say my name you'll wake up. Every time you get close to finding out, they pull you back to consciousness." He looked around for a second.

"They? W-who are they?" I asked, looking around after him in confusion.

"I can't say, I dont know how strong this blind spot is."

"B-blind spot...?"

"Yes. The blind spot's strength is based on how many of them know about the spot, and what happened at that spot." So many questions were running through my mind; Why can he only contact me from a dream? Who put him here? What, or who, is he so scared of?

"But that doesn't make sense... The library at school... You appeared on the TV at the library on my college campus. Depending on who 'they' are they can't possibly know about the library." His face turned more concerned.

"Wait a minute. Y-you don't know?" He grabbed my shoulders, but everything was beginning to fade.

"I don't know...what?" He began yelling at me as I could hear nothing but muffled screams. As everything went black I heard a faint, powerful voice boom through the air saying "What do you think you're doing?!"

(OK Y'ALL UH SIDE NOTE! so everyone pretty much knows my style of dreams I make the reader go through right? YEAH WELLLLL I had a dream just like one of the those last night (rn I'm writing this on 6/29/18) and oh BOY was I ready to leave. Moral of this is that be careful what you make the characters go through. It could come back on you)

~End of October~
-Halloween Night-

My head flew up from my pillow as I could only remember the voice from my dream. "What was his name...? Wasn't it... Ai-" I was cut off when a banging sound emitted from the door. Lyla flew up from her bed in a rush.

"What the fuck?!" She quickly got up and swung the door open. Sounds of people running around the dorm flooded in and I was fully awake.

"What are y'all doing in here?" Roxanne smiled and entered without consent. "Get up! Get dressed, you're coming with me to a party tonight." She held a red cup in her hand. I looked over to the clock to see it was around 11am.

"Who the fuck said that? I'm not going anywhere." Lyla grumbled and closed the door.

"Oh come on you two. You used to party shit up when we were younger. Dont be old farts." She laughed and took a swing of her drink.

"Did you forget about the fact that you left us for a year? And not to mention we both don't care about silly little holidays like Halloween. College parties are overrated anyway. A bunch of kids drinking and trying to have sex with whatever walks in front of their eyes." Lyla jumped onto her bed and was about to put her covers over her face when Roxanne pulled them off.

"Listen, I didn't mean to leave y'all like that ok? Its in the past anyway! Forget about it. You can forget right, (Y/n)?" She looked to me with almost innocent eyes. I sighed and finally got outta bed.

"I forgive. But I dont forget." Lyla snickered at my comment and Roxanne huffed out.

"Whatever. Good enough."

"Anyway, I think a party sounds cool. I dont have anything I want to dress up in though." I walked I took the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. There were bags under my eyes, and I looked almost extra tired. Guess I havent exactly getting much sleep with these weird ass dreams.

"Oh easy! Just go as a sexy serial killer!" I rolled my eyes and wlaked out.

"Seriously? You would fucking suggest that." I looked through out drawers to see if I had any material that would fit for a costume.

"That's it! Go as a female Joker! It'll be great, you can rip holes in the suit and put makeup on. And Ol' Lyla here can be Penguin!" Roxanne laughed at her own joke while I seriously considered being Joker.

"Very funny. And who the hell would you be?"

"Harley Quinn!" Lyla kicked Roxanne off ber bed, causing her to spill some of her drink on her clothes.

"Wait!" I chimed in. "How about Scarecrow?" Lyla finally sat up and smiled.

"Sounds good to me!"

"But... Doesn't that mean she has to cover her face? How the fuck will she pick up guy like that?" Roxanne asked.

"I'm good without meeting anyone. And I want to cober my face so... Its a win win." Lyla got up and went to the bathroom to get dressed. After her I changed and we all agreed to go get supplies for our costumes at the store down the street.


I finished putting on my lipstick and stepped out of the bathroom. I could feel the eyes of my friends as I twirled. "I like it!" I was wearing the top half of a suit which I quickly sewed to a vertically striped skirt. I had stockings up my legs and heels boots that was up to my knee. (H/l) hair looking pretty green if I had to admit.

Roxanne whistled and I laughed. "Sexy BEAST! And Lyla!" My attention was turned towards her. She has a fake sewn dress and ripped stockings to match. The hood of her costume was cut out from a potato sack and fitted perfectly for it to look like it was attached. Her gloves had needles for fingers and her shoes were also potato sacks. She smirked as she put on the mask. "Damn, it really fits you... What the fuck?! I feel like I'm the only unoriginal one!" Roxanne looked down at her bought Harley Quinn dress. She did have the most unoriginal costume, but her hair came out nice. The three of us laughed and grabbed what we needed before leaving the room, making sure to lock the door in case we don't come back.


Haha y'all I'm 1 away from 666 followers (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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