The LIBRAry...

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The coffee shop was quiet, and outside it was dark. It was just me, no sign of anyone. I looked to my right to see an ID on the ground. "What the..." I picked it up and examined it, realizing it was the same as before. "But who..-" I cut myself off when the shop bell rang, with a boy walking in. He looked around for a second and then stopped at me. Everything seemed like slow motion.

He walked up to me and looked down at the card, then back at me. "This is mine, thanks." His voice was distorted but I could hear a hint of his real voice.

"Wait... Who are you?" I asked, however it took sounded weird.

"You mean you don't re- mem... Ber." He began to glitch out. "You- you- youyouyouyOU..." Everything around me was caving in. Breaking away like I had just destroyed a boss in an arcade game. "HELP ME!" The figure screamed. I took a step back, but ended up walking backward into the nothingness. I didn't fall, but instead began to sink. "(Y/n) you gotta SAVE ME!"

~A Week Later after the Coffee Visit~

My head snapped off the bed as my alarm rang. I quickly shut it off snd looked over to peacefully sleeping Lyla. I smiled and looked at my phone, now remembering what exactly I was supposed to be doing today. I opened the messages and realized I never got the girl's numbers. "Son of a bitch!" I almost yelled. I got dressed and ran out the door, of course grabbing my keys and locking the door, maybe if I run around campus I can find them.


I unlocked the door to the dorm room as I panted in disappointment. Lyla was sitting on her bed reading something on her laptop. "(Y/n)? What happened this morning, where did you go?"

"I was looking for Leona and Catherine. My new friend Veronica wants to meet them." I panted as I walked over to my bed, only to plop down in failure.

"Veronica? That's the third person you've met this year. How on earth are you doing this?" Lyla began to close her laptop as she faxed towards me.

"How? I mean I go out, ans instead of getting all worked up over new people I try to talk to them."

"Yeah well... If you keep meeting new people you'll leave me. Just like the girls left us." Silence grew int the dorm. The music from outside increased and I could feel a sligtly annoyance growing for it.

"Lyla... I wouldn't leave you for a bunch of new people. In fact, I'll even let you tag along with me today to meet Veronica. We're supposed to see each other at the library." I finally stood and smiled down at her.

"Really? Is she cool? Will I be nervous?" She stood up. 

"Shes a bit intimidating, but other than that she's a really cool person. Come on!" I walked towards the door and opened it, stopping to wait for her to get her shoes on.

"If you say so..." She finished and we left for the library.


The library was as dead as ever. Nothing going on, the librarians asleep, and basically empty. Me and Lyla made our way to the section we met Talia in, and saw Veronica and another girl. "Veronica, hey!" I called, earning a glance from the two. Veronica whispered something to the girl and walked up to me.

"This is Lesia. She asled to tag along." She looked at Lyla, who was busy eyeing the new girl. "I see you did brought someone too."

"Yeah... This is Lyla! Shes really cool I promise." I smiled and gestured towards her, gaining her attention.

"Well if she's so cool, let's see what kind of books she picks out!" Veronica grabbed onto Lyla's arm. "(Y/n) you stay here and talk to Lesia! Come on Lola!" She began to drag Lyla away before I could protest.

"M-my name's Lyla." Lyla snapped nicely with a confused undertone.

"Sure thing Laila lets go..." I could barely hear what else was being said when I looled over at Lesia. She stared intently at me as I stood there.

"Hi! I'm-" before I could say my name she cut me off.

"(Y/n). Veronica told me about you. Come sit, I don't bite." She smiled and patted the table. I nervously smiled back and walked over. For a good 5 minutes we sat in silence, not saying anything. I'm not gonna lie, she didn't look like she had a lot of stroies to share, so I didn't really judge her for not trying to keep a conversation. I was more so concerned that she was going to be bored of me, and say mean things behind my back to Veronica. After another 5 minutes went by, and Lyla and Veronica were no where to be seen, I took out my phone and put it on the table. As I was getting something else I realized I still had that ID of that boy in my pocket. "What's that?" Lesia asked in a serious tone, one that told me she also hiding her nervousness.

"The ID? I don't know actually. I found it in a coffee shop last week when I first met Veronica. I dont know if it was hers or not so I took it with my today just in case... But she left before I could ask her anything." I tried to reach for it when she took it. I caught a glimpse of a scale tattoo on her wrist before she pulled it away. She stared at it for a second, as if in awe of how it ended up in front of her. "Do you think you know who it belongs to? The eyes and name are scratched out, but maybe you know from the hair? I don't know really anyone who has white hair like that." As I went on babbling about the ID I realized it was gone. "Hey... Can I get it back? I think I can just give it to the principal at the school next time I visit my hometown." I tried not to sound too forceful, since I didn't know the girl or what she was capable of.

"N-no!" She snapped immediately, making me almost jump in my seat. "I-i mean I do know who it is. He's my friend's younger brother. Yeah, told me he was freaking out about losing it the other day. I'm sure he'll be glad to see it, even in this condition." She stood up and began to gather herself. "I have to go see his brother, so I can get the ID back. Nice meeting you again, (Y/n). Gotta go." She smiled briefly and dashed out. Out of all the confusion that was swelling in my mind only one word kept ringing.



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