A Bonfire.

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The sky outside was already dark, as I sat on my bed and gazed out the window. "(Y/n)! Are you ready?" Lyla screamed at me from the other side of the door. I unplugged my phone and looked at the time: 8:42 pm. I stood up as I put on a jacket and walked to the door, a strong sense of dread washed over me. Upon opening the door Lyla pulled me out and slammed the door. "Come on, we have to get there before everyone else so I can introduce you!" Something felt off, was this Lyla?


Music was blaring, young adults were drinking, and a large fire was blazing right in front of my eyes. I felt power surging into me, an unearthly power that I couldn't explain. I looked around and stopped when my eyes landed on a female. She had a pocky stick in her mouth, and her smirk made her sharpe teeth more visible than it should've. She looked up to me the instant I gazed upon her, creating unwanted, at least by me, eye contact. I looked away and at Lyla, who smiled and yelled for a girl. "SIA! I'M HERE COME OVER HERE!" I followed my friends line of sight only to the girl walking up to us. She almost to towered over me, and her eyes were boring into my soul.

"So this is ya friend?" She looked me up and down, and bit down on her pocky stick. "The names Sia, I've never seen you around campus." What struck me was how close she was to me. I had never met her before, yet I swaer she was close enough to hear me breathe in a loud room. Lila stared at us with uncertain eyes. I chuckled a bit before Sia spoke once more, "So, what's ya name, shortie?" I slightly gasped at the name, taken aback by the boldness of her statement.

"My... My name is (Y/n)." I said quickly.

"Cute. Well welcome to the bonfire! Try to have some fun!" She laughed and walked away, but not before I could catch a glimpse of a tattoo in her thigh. 'Everyone at this college has a fucking tattoo' I thought. I was snapped out of my own mind when I noticed Sia smirked at me while I was gazing at the bow and arrow on her thigh. I shuddered and walked away, my mind clouded by the noise.

I walked around the area eyeing all the drunk students and wondered why I agreed to even attend this thing. I felt unsafe, and after some contemplating I decided to leave the scene. Lyla was dancing with a few students and had no use for me even being there. I knew it seemed weird of me not to party with her, but how could I with all these things swirling around in my head? I headed toward the dorms when I was suddenly touched on the shoulder. I turned to see Sia. "Where ya headin', girlie?" She asked. I forced a smile and stepped back

"This really isn't for me, sorry. I'm gonna head home."

"Alone? No way, I'll walk you home." She smiled and began to walk me home before I could protest. "Yknow I had a feeling you wouldn't like the bonfire." The music of the bonfire began to fade as we walked away, yet I still felt dizzy.

"Yeah? And how is that?"

"Well, for starters you've been holding the same drink in your hand since you stopped talking to me, and I have not once seen you take a sip." Out of reflex I was about to take a sip from the cup in my hand, but I stopped myself. "Second, you have this distant look in your eyes, that tells me you're not really here." We stopped on the path and looked at each other. I became a little more aware of how far away we were from where I originally wanted to go. In fact, I had to idea where I was.

"Hey, Sia... Where are we-" She grabbed my hands.

"Wanna tell me where you really are?" I looked into her eyes and felt my knees shake. Was she going to kiss me? Or even worse, cause that's what it feels like right now.... "How about who you've been talking to, (Y/n). Have any weird... Dreams lately?" My eyes widened as I slowly caught on.

"How do you know about that? Who are you?" I ripped my hands away as they were beginning to feel as if pins and needles were creeping up on them. With the force of me pulling away I fell to the ground, staring up at Sia.

"(Y/n) don't be scared! I'm only asking you because that's what usually causes me to ask all weird." The atmosphere returned to normal, however the fear in my body did not. She had switched back to normal and I couldn't tell if I was hallucinating or not. She reached out and I grabbed her hand. As soon as she pulled me up she got really close to my ears and whispered "Remember, dreams aren't real." My whole world began to fade out as those words rung in my ears.



As the girl laid on the ground, distant laughter could be heard.

"Oh my god is that (Y/n)?" Lyla examined her friends body and gasped when she confirmed her answer. "Oh Jesus (Y/n) I didn't kmow you got that shit faced." She giggled and picked her frined up, with the help of an unknown male. The two carried the unconscious girl back to their shared dorm. Little did both the girls know that (Y/n) was not going to be able to explain this one.


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