Coffee and Confusion?

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My head snapped up from a desk that I was sleeping on, I looked around to see my old school. Confused, I stood and walked to the door. Upon opening it anotber scream erupted from down the hall.


I knew that voice. The one from my last dream! I ran down the hall towards the doors where the sound originally came from. I bursted through the doors to see a cliff and a sky following it. I walked to the edge to see a male falling. His white hair, the voice could that be...?


~Middle September~

I was jolted awake by Lyla. "Are you dead or something? I was calling you for like 10 minutes and poundinf on the door, you locked me out! I had to get someone who could help me get in, AND I had to pay them! What the fuck, (Y/n)." She now pacing around and holding her head. What's her deal? Shes never this pissed about stuff like this. Her ranting fades in my mine and I can only picture the boy falling, calling my name when I hear my phone buzz.

Talia: Hey (Y/n)! You should come down to the coffee shop near campus!!! I want some coffee but I'm too scared to go alone so pleeeeeeeease say yes (╯︵╰,)

"(Y/N)! HELLO? LISTENING?" I snapped towards Lyla.

"U-uh yeah sorry, Talia texted me. She wants me to go to the coffee shop with her." I stood up started to get dressed in other clothing.

"Wow she hasnt invited me. Some kind of attempt at mending our bonds. I'm gonna sleep so don't slam the door, and if you accidentally get locked out, YOU have to find some way to get in." She snapped and walked into the bathroom, slamming it behind her. I sighed and asked no one in particular why everyone around me was acting so weird lately. After I shook my head and made sure to grab my keys on the way out.


I checked my phone for the fourth time now, and no text or phone call was missed. However, Talia seemed to have missed our coffee date that she wanted to have in the first place.

I sat on my phone and waited for her, yet I knew it wouldn't happen. The coffee shop door bell rang, signaling a new person to enter. It wasn't a large shop, a mom and pap business if you will, but the coffee is nice.

I looked at the girl as she walked by. She carried a laptop, and gad a backpack strapped to her back. Her hair was cut short and she had red circles around her eyes, which had a weird gaze, one of either hate or numbness. She walked passed and I could see a glimpse of something on her neck.

Her music was playing, and I could hear it was one of my favorite bands. She sat in a booth, and opened the laptop only to start typing away. I stood up and wlaked over, trying to scrape up whatever courage I had to make a new friend on my own. "Hey! I know that band." She looked over and up at me with a blank face.

"What?" she removed her headphones, making the music radiate out into the shop.

"The band. Its (Insert favorite band), right? I love the song playing right now. What's your favorite?" She looked almost disgusted as I sat down.

"Uh... Don't you hwve someone you're waiting for or something? Why don't you just leave me alone weirdo..." I looked down, quite hurt from her honesty, and feeling bad for invading her privacy. I stood up and began to walk away.  "...Besides." I snapped my head back as I froze in my spot. "I bet you don't even know the names of the members or even what genre they are!" I turned around completely and scoffed.

"As if! You're really questioning my knowledge of a band I was listening to since forever? You must be out of your mind!" I sat again, ready to have a heated debate. I was able to get a full view of the mark on her neck. It was a lip mark, detailed, but nothing a kiss from lips covered in lipstick couldn't create.

"Oh really, when did they debut huh? And where is the leader from?" She smirked and threw herself back into the booth."

"(Insert answers here since idk what ur favorite bands are¯\_(ツ)_/¯)." I crossed my arms, sending her a challenge gaze while still eyeing the mark... Does she know Catherine and Leona?

"Basic knowledge! What's the weight, height, birth date, and hometown of (member)?"

"W-what?! Im not some kind of stalker towards them! I just really like the music and know the basics like their name and positions."

"Pathetic!" She did a grand gesture while flailing her arms in the arm, causing both to chuckle at out childish conversation. "You're not as bad as I thought. I'm Veronica." She stuck out her hand to shake mine.

"I'm (Y/n)." I shook her hand and smiled. "You know this is the first 'regular' first impression ive made on this campus."

"Really? Making friends so fast is weird for me. I'm usually quiet, mainly because people who talk to me can't handle my honesty."

"Damn, don't worry I can hane a lot of shit." We both chuckled. "Hey do you by any chance know Catherine or Leona?" She slightly tensed up as I mentioned them, but I didn't really think anything of it.

"U-uh Catherine? Leona? What kind of names... Can you uh- describe them? Maybe I do." She doesn't looked nervous.

"Well... Catherine is a small girl, our age of course, and she has red hair. Leona is like 5 Something? Maybe over 5'5. She has brown hair. Both of them have tattoos like the one on your neck." I tried to stay vague, or obviously to the fact that she seemed to be getting more distressed.

"Hm... Maybe? I don't think I've ever heard of them before. Maybe show em to me next week!" She closed her laptop and began to pack up. "I gotta run tho! Meet me at the library next... Friday. Bring those two haha gotta blast!" She rushed out, leaving me to my own. I looked at the table and sighed.

"Am I awkward or something? Hard to talk to? Why do these people keep freaking out on me... Or storming off as soon as they learn my name." I moved to get out of the booth when I saw an ID on the ground. "Oh no... She must've drooped this." I checked to see the owner, but was taken aback to see it was from Wavelin. The boy in the picture had white hair, and a rather bright smile, but his eyes had X's in them. I knew him... But how? Checking the name I saw it was scratched out, violently scratched. I put the piece of plastic in my pocket and shivered. I yelled bye, as I was the only person in the shop besides the employees, and left.


Howdy Y'ALL! Its my birthday once again! And so much shit happened to me yesterday that I wanted to jump off a cliff but not TODAY! So here have this maybe confusing chapter that I'll probably read later and hate! Thank you guys for reading, I love you, please stay away from drama 😷.

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